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Guidelines for Applicants in 2016FY - Additional recruitment drive -

We are having an additional recruitment drive for regular user in May 2016 fiscal year. Those who would like to apply, please submit the application form after reading the "Registration Procedures (intranet web site only)" and the "Tokyo Medeical and Dental University Detailed Rules for Use of On-Campus Nursery" (Tokyo Medeical and Dental University Rules and Regulations, part3, chapter2, subchapter15) as indicated below. In addition,please apply recognized nursery near their place of residence beforehand. Since TMDU will give priority to those who are not able to send their children there.
Our nursery is not looping class system. The admission will re-examining every year. Thus, please understand that it does not guarantee the selection of your application every year.


Faculties, staff members and students (both undergraduate and post graduate in principle) of TMDU.

Number of the children who can enter the nursery

0(zero) or over 2years old class: a few people

Period of application

From April 8th(Fri) to April 15th(Fri) 2016

How to apply

Please fill in the "Regular Childcare Application Form" and submit to Parsonnel Section, General Affairs Division. We accept Application in the mail,or by FAX (in case of FAX, please be sure to bring the original copy of the application form on the day of entrance interview).

Required forms

  1. Regular Childcare Application Form
  2. Certificate of Employment or Student Registration Certificate (in case of the parent or gurdian is not a member of the faculty or student) [Go to form of Certificate of Employment]
  3. Copy of the notice as a result of a entrance application for the recognised nursery.


Personnel Section General Affairs Division(1st floor ,Bldg No.1 east) ext.4654
Person in charge : Mr.Seki and Ms. Odashima


When there is change to the contents of the application form, please submit a Change Report Form(Under construction) to the person in charge promptly. Please do it similarly after entrance.

Attached document "Registration Procedures" is in intranet website. In case you can not access this website due to taking a childcare leave or other reasons, we may send it in the mail. In that case, please contact the person in charge.

Procedures for the application

  1. After applying, nursery director has parent-child interview.
  2. Ater the interview, Nursery Management Committee screen the applicants. In the process of screening,presentaion of documents other than the documents which we have had already submitted,and a hearing may be performed.
  3. Decision from the committee is notified At the end of April.

Department in charge

Person in charge
Mr.Seki and Ms. Odashima, Personnel Section
1st floor ,Bldg No.1 East ext.4654
1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8510