


  1. Saki Minegishi, Hajime Utsuno, Jun Ohta, Shuuji Namiki, Maiko Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Hisako Saitoh, Koichi Sakurada.
    Comparison of racemization rates between vital and endodontically treated teeth for age estimation.
    Leg Med 61:102189, 2023.
  1. Jun Ohta, Saki Minegishi, Nao Noda, Koichi Sakurada.
    Estimating the way of deposition of saliva stains using quantitative analysis of forensic salivary biomarkers.
    Leg Med. 64:102277, 2023.
  1. Nozomi Sumi, Saki Minegishi, Jun Ohta, Hajime Utsuno, Koichi Sakurada.
    Study on the Mechanism of the Pink Tooth Phenomenon Using Bovine Teeth: A Pilot Study.
    Diagnostics 13:2699, 2023.
  1. Shuuji Namiki, Hajime Utsuno, Yosuke Makino, Saki Minegishi, Maiko Toya, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada.
    Estimation of missing mandible from the skull using postmortem CT images.
    Leg Med.65:102321, 2023.
  1. Hisako Saitoh, Mirei Takeyama, Toru Moriya, Kazuyuki Yusa, Saki Minegishi, Suguru Torimitsu, Fumiko Chiba, Yumi Hoshioka, Sayaka Nagasawa, Mitsuyoshi Iino, Koichi Sakurada, Hirotaro Iwase, Fuyuki Tokanai.
    Usefulness of powdered crown of mandibular first premolars in birth year estimation by radiocarbon dating.
    J Forensic Leg Med 100: 102607, 2023.
  1. Hajime Utsuno, Yohsuke Makino, Shuuji Namiki, Saki Minegishi, Maiko Toya, Hirotarao Iwase, Koichi Sakurada.
    Morphological Observation of the Alar Region between the Piriform Aperture and the Alar Soft Tissue for Facial Approximation (Reconstruction).
    Forensic Anthropol, 2023.
  1. 阿久津智子,横田 勲,渡邊 賢,豊間根耕地,山岸孝幸,櫻田宏一.
    単一の体液の同定を目的としたSingle-target multiplex RT-PCR法の検証 - 5種の体液を対象としたMulti-target multiplex RT-PCR法との比較 -.
    法科学技術29(1):85-96, 2024.
  1. Koichi Sakurada.
    Effects on oral tissues of asphyxiation caused by cervical compression: The pink teeth phenomenon in Kato’s studies (1941).
    Leg Med 64:102284,2023.
  1. Mirei Takeyama, Toru Moriya, Hisako Saitoh, Hiroko Miyahara, Fusa Miyake, Motonari Ohyama, Rimi Sato, Rie Shitara, Hirohisa Sakurai, Fuyuki Tokanai.
    Present status of the YU-AMS system and its operation over the past 10 years.
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 538 30-35, 2023.
  1. Hisako Saitoh, Yuko Sakai-Tagawa, Sayaka Nagasawa, Suguru Torimitsu, Kazumi Kubota, Yuichiro Hirata, Kiyoko Iwatsuki-Horimoto, Ayumi Motomura, Namiko Ishii, Keisuke Okaba, Kie Horioka, Hiroyuki Abe, Masako Ikemura, Hirofumi Rokutan, Munetoshi Hinata, Akiko Iwasaki, Yoichi Yasunaga, Makoto Nakajima, Rutsuko Yamaguchi, Shigeki Tsuneya, Kei Kira, Susumu Kobayashi, Go Inokuchi, Fumiko Chiba, Yumi Hoshioka, Aika Mori, Isao Yamamoto, Kimiko Nakagawa, Harutaka Katano, Shun Iida, Tadaki Suzuki, Shinji Akitomi, Iwao Hasegawa, Tetsuo Ushiku, Daisuke Yajima, Hirotaro Iwase, Yohsuke akino, Yoshihiro Kawaoka.
    High titers of infectious SARS-CoV-2 in corpses of patients with COVID-19.
    Int J Infect Dis 129:103-109, 2023.
  1. Yuichiro Hirata, Yohsuke Makino, Shun Iida, Harutaka Katano, Sayaka Nagasawa, Hirofumi Rokutan, Munetoshi Hinata, Akiko Iwasaki, Yoichi Yasunaga, Hiroyuki Abe, Masako Ikemura, Ayumi Motomura, Kei Kira, Susumu Kobayashi, Shigeki Tsuneya, Suguru Torimitsu, Isao Yamamoto, Kimiko Nakagawa, Iwao Hasegawa, Shinji Akitomi, Daisuke Yajima, Tetsuo Ushiku, Hisako Saitoh, Tadaki Suzuki, Hirotaro Iwase.
    COVID-19 Analysis in tissue samples acquired by minimally invasive autopsy in out-of-hospital deaths with postmortem degeneration.
    Jpn J Infect Dis 76(5):302-309, 2023.
  1. Yuichiro Hirata, Harutaka Katano, Shun Iida, Sohtaro Mine, Sayaka Nagasawa, Yohsuke Makino, Ayumi Motomura, Seiya Ozono, Yuko Sato, Tsuyoshi Sekizuka, Makoto Kuroda, Rutsuko Yamaguchi, Go Inokuchi, Suguru Torimitsu, Shinji Akitomi, Daisuke Yajima, Hisako Saitoh, Tadaki Suzuki, Hirotaro Iwase.
    Genomic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in forensic autopsy cases of COVID-19.
    J Med Virol 95(8):e28990, 2023.
  1. 斉藤久子, 中久木康一, 石井名実子, 飯田哲也, 山田良広, 岩瀬博太郎, 清水惠子.
    日本災害医学会雑誌 28 (3): 124-127, 2023.

講演· 口頭発表等

  1. 壽美 望,峰岸沙希,宇都野 創,並木修司,戸谷麻衣子,大田 隼,斉藤久子,櫻田宏一.
    日本法歯科医学会第17回学術大会2023.05.14 東京.
  1. ハナフィ ムハンマド ギャリー シャーリザル,宇都野 創,峰岸沙希,櫻田宏一.
    日本法歯科医学会第17回学術大会2023.05.14 東京.
  1. 斉藤久子,永澤明佳,平田雄一郎,槇野陽介,鳥光優,小林漸,石井名実子,山本伊佐夫,中川貴美子,長谷川巖,矢島大介,岩瀬博太郎,河岡義裕.
    日本法歯科医学会第17回学術大会2023.05.14 東京.
  1. 熊谷章子,大林由美子,岡広子,波田野悠夏,勝村聖子,小菅栄子,山口里恵,斉藤久子.
    日本法歯科医学会第17回学術大会2023.05.14 東京.
  1. 小林漸,山口るつ子,槇野陽介,鳥光優,千葉文子,永澤明佳,吉田真衣子,斉藤久子,岩瀬博太郎.
    日本法歯科医学会第17回学術大会2023.05.14 東京.
  1. Shuuji Namiki, Hjime Utusno, Yosuke Makino, Saki Minegishi, Maiko Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada.
    Method for estimating missing mandible from the skull using postmortem CT images.
    第107次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2023.06.08 神奈川.
  1. 宇都野 創,並木修司,槇野陽介,斉藤久子,峰岸沙希,戸谷麻衣子,壽美 望,大田 隼, 岩瀬博太郎,櫻田宏一.
    第107次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2023.06.08 神奈川.
  1. 阿久津智子,峰岸沙希,渡邊 賢,櫻田宏一.
    第107次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2023.06.08 神奈川.
  1. 永澤明佳,平田雄一郎,恒矢重毅,吉良圭,小林漸,秋冨慎司,鈴木忠樹,岩瀬博太郎,槇野陽介,斉藤久子.
    第107次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2023.06.08 神奈川.
  1. 岡広子,斉藤久子,峰岸沙希,長尾正崇.
    第107次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2023.06.08 神奈川.
  1. 石井名実子,齋藤直樹,水野聡美,小林漸,咲間彩香,本村あゆみ,猪口剛,矢島大介,岩瀬博太郎,斉藤久子.
    第107次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2023.06.08 神奈川.
  1. 斉藤久子,勝村聖子,岡 広子,小菅栄子,山口里恵,熊谷章子.
    第42回日本歯科医学教育学会総会及び学術大会 2023.07.16 WEB開催.
  1. 壽美 望,峰岸沙希,宇都野 創,並木修司,戸谷麻衣子,大田 隼,斉藤久子,櫻田宏一.
    第92回日本法医学会学術関東地方集 2023.10.14 神奈川.
  1. 戸谷麻衣子,峰岸沙希,宇都野 創,大田 隼,並木修司,壽美 望,斉藤久子,鵜沼香奈,上村公一,櫻田宏一.
    第92回日本法医学会学術関東地方集 2023.10.14 神奈川.
  1. 大田 隼,峰岸沙希,野田菜央,谷本幸介,宇都野 創,斉藤久子,櫻田宏一.
    細菌叢解析による劣化試料からの唾液の識別に有用な細菌 DNA マーカーの探索.
    日本DNA多型学会第32回学術集 2023.11.17 山口.
  1. 峰岸沙希,鵜沼香奈,上村公一,櫻田宏一.
    第60回日本犯罪学会総会 2023.11.25 東京.



  1. Saki Minegishi, Hajime Utsuno, Jun Ohta, Shuuji Namiki, Maiko Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Kana Unuma, Hisako Saitoh, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Uemura, Koichi Sakurada.
    Oral bacterial DNA-based discrimination of human and canine saliva for the analysis of indistinct bite marks.
    J Forensic Sci 67:1280-1287, 2022.
  1. Saki Minegishi, Hisako Saitoh, Hajime Utsuno, Jun Ohta, Shuuji Namiki, Maiko Toya, Nozomi Sumi and Koichi Sakurada.
    Association of Cadaveric Factors with the Degree and Region of Discoloration on Pink Teeth: An Approach to Serial Cases.
    Applied Sciences 12:4242, 2022.
  1. Mariko Kazuta, Hajime Utsuno, Yohsuke Makino, Saki Minegishi, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada.
    A post-mortem computed tomography imaging method for predicting the anteroposterior and superoinferior positions of the Japanese adult eyeball in the orbit.
    Forensic Imaging 29:200504, 2022.
  1. Tomoko Akutsu, Isao Yokota, Ken Watanabe, Kochi Toyomane, Takayuki Yamagishi, Koichi Sakurada.
    Precise and comprehensive determination of multiple body fluids by applying statistical cutoff values to a multiplex reverse transcription-PCR and capillary electrophoresis procedure for forensic purposes.
    Leg Med 58:102087, 2022.
  1. Satomi Mizuno, Sachiko Ono, Yosuke Makino, Shigeki Tsuneya, Susumu Kobayashi, Nami Ishii, Ayaka Sakuma, Koichi Sakurada, Saki Minegishi, Hajime Utsuno, Fumiko Chiba, Rutsuko Yamaguchi, Suguru Torimits, Hirotaro Iwase.
    Validity of dental findings for identification by postmortem computed tomography.
    Forensic Sci Int 341:111507, 2022.
  1. Maiko Toya, Saki Minegishi, Hajime Utsuno, Jun Ohta, Shuuji Namiki, Kana Unuma, Koichi Uemura, Koichi Sakurada.
    Forensic Characteristics of Physical Elder Abuse and Current Status and Issues of Collaboration between Forensic Medicine Departments and Related Institutions in Japan.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 19:15382, 2022.

講演· 口頭発表等

  1. 壽 美望, 峰岸沙希, 宇都野創, 並木修司, 戸谷麻衣子, 大田 隼, 櫻田宏一.
    ピンク歯現象における発色機序に関する研究 - ウシの歯を用いた基礎的検討 -.
    日本法歯科医学会第16回学術大会2022.05.15 神奈川
  1. 斉藤久子, 峰岸沙希, 鳥光 優, 千葉文子, 星岡佑美, 永澤明佳, 石井名実子, 岩瀬博太郎, 櫻田宏一.
    日本法歯科医学会第16回学術大会2022.05.15 神奈川
  1. 大田 隼,峰岸沙希,野田菜央,宇都野創,櫻田宏一.
    第106次日本法医学会学術全国集会2022.06.9 名古屋
  1. 宇都野創,數田茉莉子,槇野陽介,斉藤久子,並木修司,峰岸沙希,戸谷麻衣子, 大田 隼,岩瀬博太郎,櫻田宏一.
    第106次日本法医学会学術全国集会2022.06.9 名古屋.
  1. Hajime Utsuno, Shuuji Namiki, Yohsuke Makino, Saki Minegishi, Maikmo Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada.
    Landmark comparisons of the alar region in the prediction of the ala of the nose using post-mortem computed tomography images.
    The Nineteenth Biennial Scientific Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification 2022.07.29. Liverpool, UK
  1. 櫻田宏一, 峰岸沙希, 井上惠司, 中島孝至, 寺田仁志.
    第19回警察歯科医会全国大会2022.08.06 大阪.
  1. 岡 広子, 竹内明子, 鈴木敏彦, 葛城梨江香, 斉藤久子, 櫻田宏一, 山下裕美.
    死因究明等に関する教育及び研究拠点での法歯学分野の現状 -令和三年度の概要報告と令和元年度からの変化-
    第19回警察歯科医会全国大会2022.08.06 大阪.
  1. 戸谷麻衣子,峰岸沙希,宇都野創,大田 隼,並木修司,鵜沼香奈,上村公一,櫻田 宏一.
    第18回日本高齢者虐待防止学会2022.09.10 オンライン開催.
  1. 峰岸沙希, 斉藤久子, 宇都野創, 大田 隼, 並木修司, 戸谷麻衣子, 壽美 望, 櫻田宏一.
    第91回日本法医学会学術関東地方集会2022.10.8 千葉.
  1. 阿久津智子, 横田 勲, 渡邊 賢, 豊間根耕地, 山岸孝幸,櫻田宏一.
    第91回日本法医学会学術関東地方集会2022.10.8 千葉.



  1. Jun Ohta, Yuko Konishi-Kato, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada.
    Oral bacterial DNA-based discrimination of human and canine saliva for the analysis of indistinct bite marks.
    Forensic Sci Int Genet 54:102566, 2021.
  1. Rutsuko Yamaguchi, Koichi Sakurada, Hisako Saitoh, Maiko Yoshida, Yohsuke Makino, Suguru Torimitsu, Satomi Mizuno, Hirotaro Iwase.
    Fatal airway obstruction due to Ludwig's angina from severe odontogenic infection during antipsychotic medication: A case report and a literature review.
    J Forensic Sci 66:1980-1985, 2021.
  1. 大田 隼,大村 雅子,峰岸 沙希,櫻田 宏一.
    法科学技術 26: 231-238, 2021.
  1. 櫻田宏一.
    犯罪誌 87:20-23, 2021.

講演· 口頭発表等

  1. 宇都野 創,並木修司,槇野陽介,斉藤久子,峰岸沙希,戸谷麻衣子,岩瀬博太郎,櫻田宏一.
    第105 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2021.06.10 誌上・オンライン開催
  1. 峰岸沙希,大田 隼,並木修司,戸谷麻衣子,宇都野 創,船越丈司,斉藤久子,岩瀬博太郎,上村公一,櫻田宏一.
    第105 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2021.06.11 誌上・オンライン開催
    第104 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2020.09.24 京都市
  1. 戸谷麻衣子,鎌田政善.
    NST 介入による多職種連携を行い食事摂取量の改善が得られた症例.

    日本老年歯科医学会第32 回学術大会2021.06.11オンライン開催
  1. 峰岸 沙希,並木 修司,大田 隼,戸谷 麻衣子,壽美 望,宇都野 創,斉藤 久子,櫻田 宏一.
    日本法歯科医学会第15回学術大会2021.07.31 京都.
  1. 並木 修司,宇都野 創,槇野 陽介,峰岸 沙希,戸谷 麻衣子,壽美 望,岩瀬 博太郎,櫻田 宏一.
    日本法歯科医学会第15回学術大会2021.07.31 京都.
  1. 大田 隼,大村 雅子,峰岸沙希, 櫻田宏一.
    α‐アミラーゼ測定キットを用いた唾液予備検査 の法科学的試料に対する有用性の検討.
    日本法科学技術学会第27回学術集会2021.11.11 オンライン開催
  1. 阿久津 智子,横田 勲,渡邊 賢,豊間根 耕地,山岸 孝幸,櫻田 宏一.
    日本法科学技術学会第27回学術集会2021.11.11 オンライン開催.
  1. 櫻田宏一,財津 崇,關 奈央子
    最先端口腔科学研究推進プロジェクトシンポジウム2021.2.12 オンライン開催.



  1. Jun Ohta, Nanaka Noda, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada.
    Application of DNA repair for Streptococcus salivarius DNA-based identification of saliva from ultraviolet-exposed samples.
    Forensic Sci Int, 306:110067, 2020.
  1. Chihiro Tanaka, Hajime Utsuno, Yohsuke Makino, Saki Minegishi, Jun Ota, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada.
    Facial soft tissue thickness of the Japanese population determined using post mortem computed tomography images.
    Forensic Imaging 23:200423, 2020.
  1. Koichi Sakurada K, Hikoto Ohta.
    No promising antidote 25 years after the Tokyo subway sarin attack: A review.
    Leg Med 47:101761, 2020.
  1. Koichi Sakurada, Ken Watanabe, Tomoko Akutsu.
    Current Methods for Body Fluid Identification Related to Sexual Crime: Focusing on Saliva, Semen, and Vaginal Fluid.
    Diagnostics. 10(9):693, 2020.
  1. Tomoko Akutsu, Isao Yokota, Ken Watanabe, Koichi Sakurada.
    Development of a multiplex RT-PCR assay and statistical evaluation of its use in forensic identification of vaginal fluid.
    Leg Med 45:101715, 2020.
  1. Midori Nagai, Koichi Sakurada, Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Yoshinori Ogawa, Motohiro Uo, Takeshi Funakoshi, Koichi Uemura.
    Evaluation of Parameters for Estimating the Postmortem Interval of Skeletal Remains Using Bovine Femurs: A Pilot Study.
    Diagnostics. 10(12):1066, 2020.
  1. Tetsushi Kitayama, Takashi Fukagawa, Haruhiko Watahiki, Yusuke Mita, Koji Fujii, Kana Unuma, Koichi Sakurada, Koichi Uemura, Kazumasa Sekiguchi, Natsuko Mizuno.
    Evaluation of Rapid DNA system for buccal swab and disaster victim identification samples.
    Leg Med 46:101713, 2020.
  1. 峰岸沙希,櫻田宏一.
    1 本の歯から年齢を推定する法歯学的手法. 口病誌87(1):8, 2020.
  1. 岡 広子,竹内明子,鈴木敏彦,葛城梨江香,斉藤久子,櫻田宏一,山下裕美.
    死因究明等に関する教育及び研究拠点での法歯学(歯科法医学)分野の現状. 日本法歯科医学会誌13(1):8-13, 2020.

講演· 口頭発表等

  1. 宇都野創,槇野陽介,斉藤久子,峰岸沙希,大田 隼,岩瀬博太郎,櫻田宏一.
    第104 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2020.09.24 京都市
  1. 山口るつ子,櫻田宏一,斉藤久子,吉田真依子,槇野陽介,鳥光 優,水野聡美,恒矢重毅,吉良 圭,岩瀬博太郎.
    口腔底· 深頸部· 顔面に波及した重症歯性感染症による気道狭窄からの窒息の1 剖検例.
    第104 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2020.09.24 京都市
  1. 大田 隼,峰岸沙希, 宇都野創, 櫻田宏一.
    Comparison of bacterial DNA and human RNA markers for identification of saliva from forensic samples.
    第104 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2020.09.24 京都市
  1. 峰岸沙希、宇都野創、大田 隼、石井名実子、咲間彩香、並木修司、戸谷麻衣子、斉藤久子、槇野陽介、櫻田宏一.
    身元不明死体の歯科所見と死体状況との関連性に関する検討(第1 報).
    日本法歯科医学会第14 回学術大会2020.10.04 盛岡市
  1. 宇都野創,槇野陽介,並木修司,峰岸沙希,大田 隼,戸谷麻衣子,岩瀬博太郎,櫻田宏一.
    第89 回日本法医学会学術関東地方集会2020.10.10 文京区
  1. 大田 隼,加藤優子,峰岸沙希,櫻田宏一.
    細菌DNA を指標としたヒトおよびイヌ唾液の同定-分子生物学的な咬傷解析法の開発-.
    日本法科学技術学会第26 回学術集会2020.11.12 オンライン開催
  1. 櫻田 宏一.
    第57 回日本犯罪学会総会2020.11.28 オンライン開催
  1. 櫻田宏一,關奈央子,梅森 幸.
    最先端口腔科学研究推進プロジェクト「社会· 教育」.
    第85 回口腔病学会学術大会2020.12.05 文京区



  1. Saki Minegishi, Susumu Ohtani, Kanako Noritake, Takeshi Funakoshi, Namiko Ishii N, Hajime Utsuno, Ayaka Sakuma, Hisako Saitoh, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Eriko Marukawa, Hiroyuki Harada, Koichi Uemura, Koichi Sakurada.
    Preparation of dentin standard samples for age estimation based on increased aspartic acid racemization rate by heating.
    Leg Med 38:25-31, 2019.
  1. Jun Ohta, Koichi Sakurada.
    Oral gram-positive bacterial DNA-based identification of saliva from highly degraded samples.
    Forensic Sci Int Genet 42:103-112, 2019.
  1. Jun Ohta, Nanaka Noda, Koichi Sakurada.
    Comparison of Catalytic and Immunological Amylase Tests for Identifying of Saliva from Degraded Samples.
    J Forensic Sci 64(3):873-877, 2019.
  1. Hajime Utsuno.
    Victim identification in large-scale disasters using dental findings.
    IATSS Res 43(2)90-96, 2019.
  1. Hisako Saitoh, Toru Moriya, Mirei Takeyama, Kazuyuki Yusa, Ayaka Sakuma, Fumiko Chiba, Suguru Torimitsu, Namiko Ishii, Koichi Sakurada, Mitsuyoshi Iino, Hirotaro Iwasea, Fuyuki Tokanai.
    Estimation of birth year by radiocarbon dating of tooth enamel: Approach to obtaining enamel powder.
    J. Forensic Leg Med 62:97-102, 2019.
  1. Toshinobu Komuro, Hirofumi Tsutsumi, Hikaru Izawa, Seiko Katsumura, Hisako Saitoh, Koichi Sakurada, Keita Sato, Akira Furukawa.
    Social contribution of forensic odontology in Japan.
    Jpn Dent Sci Rev 55(1):121-125, 2019.
  1. 市岡 宏顕,櫻田 宏一,斉藤 久子,大谷 真紀,熊谷 渉,池谷 博.
    日本法歯科医学会誌 11(1):10-14, 2019.


  1. 櫻田 宏一,分担執筆
    New エッセンシャル法医学 第6 版(医歯薬出版):401-421, 2019

講演· 口頭発表等

  1. 田中千紘,宇都野 創,槇野陽介,石井名実子,峰岸沙希,大田 隼,斉藤久子,岩瀬博太郎,櫻田宏一.
    第103 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2019.06.13 仙台市
  1. 永井みどり,櫻田宏一,今泉和彦,小川好則,船越丈司,則竹香菜子,小松亜由美,加世田莉奈,宇尾基弘,上村公一.
    第103 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2019.06.13 仙台市
  1. Tomoko Akutsu, Isao Yokota, Ken Watanabe, Koichi Sakurada.
    Development of a Multiplex RT-PCR Assay and Its Statistical Evaluation for the Forensic Identification of Vaginal Fluid.
    The 28th International Congress of International Society for Forensic Genetics. 2019.09.12 The Czech Republic, Prague
  1. 櫻田宏一,峰岸沙希,宇都野創,大田隼,田中千紘,太田彦人.
    PAM 類似体の脳内活性に関する研究~MATP+を用いたAChE 活性測定系の検討~.
    第88 回日本法医学会学術関東地方集会2019.10.12 新宿区
  1. 宇都野創,田中千紘,槇野陽介,斉藤久子,峰岸沙希,大田隼,岩瀬博太郎,櫻田宏一.
    第88回日本法医学会学術関東地方集会2019.10.12 新宿区
  1. 峰岸沙希,大田隼,田中千紘,宇都野創,石井名実子,斉藤久子,櫻田宏一.
    日本法歯科医学会第13 回学術大会2019.11.03広島市



  1. Hajime Utsuno, Toru Kageyama, Keiicchi Uchida, Namiko Ishii, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Uemura, Koichi Sakurada.
    Establishment of a prediction method for the mid-facial region of unknown human Mongoloid skeletal remains.
    Forensic Sci Int 288:297-303, 2018.
  1. Tomoko Akutsu, Ken Watanabe, Ayari Takamura, Koichi Sakurada.
    Evaluation of skin- or sweat-characteristic mRNAs for inferring the human origin of touched contact traces.
    Leg Med 33:36-41, 2018.
  1. Hisako Saitoh, Hiroshi Ikegaya, Koichi Sakurada, Hiroyuki Inoue, Sayaka Nagasawa, Ayaka Sakuma, Namiko Ishii, Go Inokuchi, Fumiko Chiba, Suguru Torimitsu, Hirotaro Iwase
    Usefulness of human herpes simplex virus type 1 genotyping for tracing the geographical origins of unidentified cadavers.
    Future Virology 13(6):391-398, 2018.


  1. 櫻田 宏一, 分担執筆
    Q&A 大規模災害発生時の身元確認方法.
    デンタルダイヤモンド 6月号,2018
  1. 池谷 博,櫻田 宏一 著者
    あたらしい検案· 解剖マニュアル
    金芳堂, 2018.

講演· 口頭発表等

  1. 櫻田 宏一.
    第2 回死因究明· 個人識別システム研究会2018.04.08 東京.
  1. Jun Ohta, Nanako Noda, Koichi Sakurada.
    Efficacy of mtDNA-based individualization and bacterial DNA-based saliva identification of degraded forensic samples.
    24th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2018.06.05 Fukuoka.
  1. Sayaka Nagasawa, Hisako Saitoh, Shiori Kasahara, Namiko Ishii, Fumiko Chiba, Hirotaro Iwase.
    Relationship between KCNQ1(LQT1) and KCNH2 (LQT2) gene mutations and sudden death during illegal drug use.
    24th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2018.06.05 Fukuoka.
  1. Hisako Saitoh, Toru Moriya, Mirei Takeyama, Ayaka Sakuma, Hiroko Abe, Sayaka Nagasawa, Namiko Ishii, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada, Hirotaro Iwase, Fuyuki Tokanai.
    Date of birth estimation via radiocarbons using teeth: analysis of corpse conditions in Japanese cadavers.
    24th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2018.06.05 Fukuoka.
  1. Hajime Utsuno, Toru kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, Namiko Ishii, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada.
    Morphological sex differences of mid facial proportion in Japanese population.
    24th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2018.06.05 Fukuoka.
  1. Saki Minegishi, Namiko Ishii, Hajime Utsuno, Kanako Noritake, Takeshi Funakoshi, Koichi uemura, Ayaka Sakuma, Hisako Saitoh, Susumu Ohtani, Koichi Sakurada.
    Preparation of dentin satndard samples for age estimation based on increased aspartic acid racemization rate with overheating.
    The 102nd Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2018.06.07 Fukuoka.
  1. Namiko Ishii, Hisako Saitoh, Hajime Utsuno, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada.
    Improvement of the age estimation method using dentin aspartic acid racemization: Study of aspartic acid extraction technique.
    24th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2018.06.05 Fukuoka.
  1. 櫻田 宏一.
    第86 回松本歯科大学学会(総会) 2018.06.30 長野.
  1. 田中千紘, 宇都野創, 槇野陽介, 石井名実子, 峰岸沙希, 大田 隼, 咲間彩香, 斉藤 久子, 岩瀬博太郎, 櫻田宏一.
    死後CT 画像を用いた日本人成人顔面軟組織厚に関する研究.
    第87 回日本法医学会学術関東地方集会2018.10.06東京.
  1. 大田 隼,野田菜央,立野志生,田中千紘,峰岸沙希,石井名実子,宇都野創,櫻田宏 一.
    日本法歯科医学会第12 回学術大会2018.10.20 千葉.



  1. Tomoko Akutsu, Hisako Saito, Hirotaro Iwase, Ken Watanabe, Ayari Takamura,Koichi Sakurada, Sachio Miyasaka.
    The applicability of ELISA detection of gastric mucosa-expressing proteins for the identification of vomit.
    Int J Legal Med 131(2):359-364, 2017.
  1. Suguru Torimitsu, Yohsuke Makino, Hisako Saitoh, Ayaka Sakuma, Namiko Ishii, Daisuke Yajima, Go Inokuchi, Ayumi Motomura, Fumiko Chiba, Rutsuko Yamaguchi, Mari Hashimoto, Yumi Hoshioka, Hirotaro Iwase.
    Stature estimation in a contemporary Japanese population based on clavicular measurements using multidetector computed tomography.
    Forensic Sci Int 275:316.e1-316.e6, 2017.
  1. Ken Watanabe, Tomoko Akutsu, Ayari Takamura, Koichi Sakurada.
    Practical evaluation of an RNA-based saliva identification method.
    Sci. Justice. 2017.11; 57(6):404-408, 2017.
  1. 櫻田宏一.
    東京都歯科医師会雑誌 65(7):3-10, 2017.
  1. 櫻田宏一.
    犯罪学雑誌 83(6):150-157, 2017.


  1. 櫻田 宏一, 分担執筆
    デンタルダイヤモンド 1月~6月号, 2017.
  1. 高橋 雅典 監修,都築 民幸・山田 良弘・櫻田 宏一 編集
    法歯科医学 ,永末書店,2017

講演· 口頭発表等

  1. 櫻田 宏一.
    平成28 年度第6 回東京医科歯科大学記者懇談会2017.02.16 東京.
  1. 櫻田 宏一.
    第2 回京都法歯学セミナー2017.03.04 京都.
  1. 大谷 進,井口 蘭,猩々 英紀,安達 登,峰岸 沙希,櫻田 宏一,則竹 香菜子,船越 丈司,上村 公一.
    第101 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2017.06.08 岐阜
  1. 宇都野 創,石井 名実子,峰岸 沙希,櫻田 宏一.
    第101 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2017.06.08 岐阜.
  1. 峰岸 沙希,石井 名実子,宇都野 創,則竹 香菜子,船越 丈司,上村 公一,咲間 彩香,斉藤 久子,大谷 進,櫻田 宏一.
    第101 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2017.06.09 岐阜.
  1. Hajime Utsuo, Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, Kazuhiko Kibayashi, Koichi Sakurada.
    Establishment of prediction Method for Mid-Facial Region of Unknown Human Mongoloid Skeletal Remains.
    17th Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification 2017.07.17 Australia.
  1. 櫻田 宏一.
  1. 斉藤 久子,咲間 彩香,石井 名実子,宇都野 創,峰岸 沙希,矢島 大介,猪口  剛,本村 あゆみ,槇野 陽介,千葉 文子,鳥光 優,櫻田 宏一,岩瀬 博太郎.
    死後CT 再構成画像が口腔内所見採取において有用であった3 例.
    第86 回日本法医学会学術関東地方集会2017.10.28 東京.
  1. 阿久津 智子,渡邊 賢,􅋫村 彩里,櫻田 宏一.
    リアルタイムRT-PCR 法による法科学的試料の汗垢証明mRNA マーカーの評価.
    第86 回日本法医学会学術関東地方集会2017.10.28 東京.
  1. 斉藤 久子,咲間 彩香,石井 名実子,宇都野 創,峰岸 沙希,矢島 大介,猪口 剛,本村 あゆみ,井之上 弘幸,永澤 明佳,槇野 陽介,千葉 文子,櫻田 宏一,岩瀬 博太郎.
    歯科所見採取におけるCT 再構成画像の有用性.
    日本法歯科医学会第11 回学術大会2017.11.18 千葉.
  1. 石井 名実子,斉藤 久子,宇都野 創,峰岸 沙希,櫻田 宏一.
    日本法歯科医学会第11 回学術大会2017.11.18 千葉.
  1. 市岡 宏顕,櫻田 宏一,斉藤 久子,大谷 真紀,熊谷 渉,池谷 博.
    日本法歯科医学会第11 回学術大会2017.11.18 千葉.
  1. 鳥光 優,槇野 陽介,斉藤 久子,咲間 彩香,石井 名実子,矢島 大介,猪口 剛,本村 あゆみ,千葉 文子,山口 るつ子,星岡 佑美,岩瀬 博太郎.
    3DCT 画像上の骨盤の計測値を用いた性別判定.
    日本法歯科医学会第11 回学術大会2017.11.18 千葉.
  1. 櫻田 宏一.
    最先端口腔科学研究推進プロジェクト シンポジウム 「社会· 教育」.
    第82 回口腔病学会学術大会2017.11.19 東京.



  1. Ken Watanabe, Tomoko Akutsu, Koichi Sakurada.
    Development of a Real-Time PCR-Based Method for Analyzing Semen-Specific Unmethylated DNA Regions and Methylation Status in Aged Body Fluid Stains.
    J Forensic Sci 61 Suppl 1:S208-S212, 2016
  1. Ken Watanabe, Tomoko Akutsu, Ayari Takamura, Koichi Sakurada.
    Evaluation of a blood-specific DNA methylated region and trial for allele-specific blood identification from mixed body fluid DNA.
    Leg Med (Tokyo) 22:49-53, 2016.
  1. Victor A Voicu, Andrei Valentin Medvedovici, Koichi Sakurada, Hikoto Ohta, Flavian Stefan Radulescu, Dalia Simona Miron.
    The forgotten or underestimated relevance of biopharmaceutical-based assessments for the oral absorption studies of oxime reactivators.
    Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 12(7):743-752, 2016.
  1. Namiko Ishii, Ayaka Sakuma, Yohsuke Makino, Suguru Torimitsu, Daisuke Yajima, Go Inokuchi, AyumiMotomura, Fumiko Chiba, Yumi Hoshioka, Hirotaro Iwase, Hisako Saitoh.
    Incidence of three-rooted mandibular first molars among contemporary Japanese individuals determined using multidetector com-puted tomography.
    Leg Med (Tokyo) 22:9-12, 2016.
  1. Suguru Torimitsu, Yohsuke Makino, Hisako Saitoh, Ayaka Sakuma, Namiko Ishii, Daisuke Yajima, Go Inokuchi, Ayumi Motomura, Fumiko Chiba, Rutsuko Yamaguchi, Mari Hashimoto, Yumi Hoshioka, Hirotaro Iwase.
    Sexual determination based on multidetector computed tomographic measurements of the second cervical vertebra in a contemporary Japanese population.
    Forensic Sci Int 266:588.e1-588.e6, 2016.


  1. 櫻田 宏一, 分担執筆
    デンタルダイヤモンド 7月~12月号, 2016.

講演· 口頭発表等

  1. 大谷 進,井口 蘭,猩々 英紀,安達 登,則竹 香菜子,船越 丈司,櫻田 宏一,上村 公一,山田 良広.
    アミノ酸ラセミ化法による歯からの年齢推定が身元確認に特に有効であった1 例.
    第100 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2016.06.17 東京.
  1. 鳥光 優、槇野 陽介、斉藤 久子、咲間 彩香、石井 名実子、矢島 大介、猪口 剛、本村 あゆみ、千葉 文子、山口 るつ子、橋本 茉莉、星岡 佑美、岩瀬 博太郎.
    3DCT 画像上の頭蓋骨の長さを用いた身長推定.
    第100 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2016.06.17 東京.
  1. 斉藤 久子、遊佐 和之、森谷 透、武山 美麗、咲間 彩香、石井 名実子、安部 寛子、高橋 沙紀、千葉 文子、鳥光 優、岩瀬 博太郎、飯野 光喜、門叶 冬樹.
    第100 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2016.06.17 東京.
  1. 宇都野創、石井名実子、峰岸沙希、櫻田宏一.
    第15 回警察歯科医会全国大会2016.09.03 岐阜.
  1. 三枝 冨司夫、齋藤 久子、石井 名実子、咲間 彩香、平賀 努、高橋 千明、中山 修一、林 亨二、大森 基夫、内田 啓三、宍倉 邦明、木俣 茂、斎藤 英生.
    第15 回警察歯科医会全国大会2016.09.03 岐阜.
  1. 宇都野創.
    第70 回日本人類学会大会2016.10.10 新潟.
  1. 櫻田 宏一,渡邊 賢,阿久 津智子.
    セミナー4「血痕· 体液斑等からの物体検査法の紹介」.
    日本法歯科医学会第10 回記念学術大会2016.11.06 東京.
  1. 鳥光 優、槇野 陽介、斉藤 久子、咲間 彩香、石井 名実子、矢島 大介、猪口 剛、本村 あゆみ、千葉 文子、山口 るつ子、橋本 茉莉、星岡 佑美、岩瀬 博太郎.
    3DCT 画像上の肩甲骨の長さを用いた性別判定.
    日本法歯科医学会第10 回学術大会2016.11.06 東京.
  1. 杉本俊之、宇都野創.
    第75 回日本矯正歯科学会大会2016.11.08 徳島.
  1. 櫻田 宏一.
    「最先端口腔科学研究推進プロジェクト」キックオフシンポジウム セッション2 「社会·教育」.
    第81 回口腔病学会学術大会2016.11.26 東京.



  1. Tomoko Akutsu, Tetsushi Kitayama, Ken Watanabe, Koichi Sakurada.
    Comparison of automated and manual purification of total RNA for mRNA-based identification of body fluids.
    Forensic Sci Int Genet 14:11-7, 2015.
  1. Akihisa Igoh, Yusuke Doi, Koichi Sakurada.
    Identification and evaluation of potential forensic marker proteins in vaginal fluid by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.
    Anal Bioanal Chem 407(23):7135-7144, 2015.
  1. Hajime Utsuno, Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, Kazuhiko Kibayashi, Koichi Sakurada, Koichi Uemura.
    Pilot study to establish a nasal tip prediction method from unknown human skeletal remains for facial reconstruction and skull photo superimposition as applied to a Japanese male populations.
    J Forensic Leg Med 38: 75-80, 2015.
  1. 渡邊 賢,細谷真悠子,平山幸一,池谷 博,斉藤久子,岩瀬博太郎,阿久津智子,櫻田宏一.
    法科学技術,20 (1):41-50, 2015.
  1. 岩嶋泰樹,渡邊賢,北山哲史,藤井宏治,中原弘明,櫻田宏一,関口和正.
    DNA 型分析のための毛髪表面からの汚染除去法の評価.
    法科学技術 20(2):165-173, 2015.
  1. 宇都野 創.
    国際交通安全学会誌 40(1):55-61, 2015.
  1. 櫻田 宏一.
    口病誌 82(3):81-87, 2015.


  1. 櫻田宏一,分担執筆(監修:槻木恵一)
    非侵襲的検体検査の最前線 -唾液検査・呼気検査を中心に-
    シーエムシー出版, p.86-94, 2015.
  1. 櫻田宏一,分担執筆

講演· 口頭発表等

  1. 渡邊 賢,阿久津 智子,櫻田 宏一.
    リアルタイムPCR 法を用いた精液特異的DNA 脱メチル化部位の定量的解析法の確立.
    第99 次日本法医学会学術全国集会2015.06.11 高知.
  1. 木林和彦、宇都野創、江﨑治朗、呂 彩子.
    上顎大臼歯のう蝕が認められた細菌性髄膜炎の1 剖検例.
  1. 櫻田 宏一.
    口腔病学会例会2015.06.25 東京.
  1. 宇都野 創、櫻田 宏一.
    日本法歯科医学会 第9 回学術大会2015.06.28 東京.
  1. Hajime Utsuo, Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, Kazuhiko Kibayashi, Koichi Sakurada and Koichi Uemura.
    Pilot study to establish a nasal tip prediction method from unknown human skeletal remains for facial reconstruction and skull photo superimposition as applied to a Japanese female population.
    16th Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification 2015.08.03 Tokyo.
  1. Hajime Utsuo, Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, Kazuhiko Kibayashi, Koichi Sakurada and Koichi Uemura.
    Pilot study to establish a nasal tip prediction method from unknown human skeletal remains for facial reconstruction and skull photo superimposition as applied to a Japanese male population.
    16th Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification 2015.08.04 Tokyo
  1. 櫻田 宏一.
    第28 回日本口腔診断学会2015.09.04東京.
  1. 阿久津 智子,渡邊 賢,􅋫村 彩里,斉藤 久子,岩瀬 博太郎,櫻田 宏一,宮坂 祥夫.
    第84 回日本法医学会学術関東地方集会2015.10.24東京.
  1. 藤浪 良仁,櫻田 宏一,阿久津 智子,渡邊 賢,水野 なつ子.
    ヒト体液種スクリーニング法としてのMatrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry の有効性.
    第84 回日本法医学会学術関東地方集会2015.10.24東京.


  1. Utsuno H, Kageyama T, Uchida K, Kibayashi K.
    Facial soft tissue thickness differences among three skeletal classes in Japanese population.
    Forensic Sci Int 236:175-180, 2014.
  1. Watanabe K, Iwashima Y, Akutsu T, Sekiguchi K, Sakurada K.
    Evaluation of a co-extraction method for real-time PCR-based body fluid identification and DNA typing.
    Leg Med 16(1):56-9, 2014.
  1. Voicu V, Sârbu C, Tache F, Micăle F, Rădulescu SF, Sakurada K, Ohta H, Medvedovici A.
    Lipophilicity indices derived from the liquid chromatographic behavior observed under bimodal retention conditions (reversed phase/hydrophilic interaction): Application to a representative set of pyridinium oximes.
    Talanta 122:172-9, 2014.
  1. Inoue H, Motani-Saitoh H, Sakurada K, Ikegaya H, Yajima D, Nagasawa S, Iwase H.
    Genotypic polymorphisms of hepatitis B virus provide useful information for estimating geographical origin or place of long-term residence of unidentified cadavers.
    J Forensic Sci 59(1):236-41, 2014.
  1. Sakurada K, Akutsu T, Watanabe K, Miyasaka S and Kasai K.
    Identification of body fluid stains using real-time RT-PCR: Discrimination between salivary, nasal, and vaginal secretions.
    Jpn J Forensic Sci Tech 18(1):1-11, 2013.
  1. Watanabe K, Hosoya M, Hirayama K, Saitoh H, Iwase H, Ikegaya H, Akutsu T, Sekiguchi K and Sakurada K.
    Forensic validation of the modified ABO genotyping method using a DNA chip.
    Leg Med 15(4):222-225, 2013.
  1. McLean SJ, Ikegaya H, Saukko PJ, Zheng HY, Akutsu T, Miyamori D, Ishikawa N and Sakurada K.
    A trial of the utilization of stable isotope analysis for the estimation of the geographic origins of unidentified cadavers.
    Forensic Sci Int 232 (1-3):237.e1-237.e5, 2013.
  1. Hirata R, Takasaka T, Miyamori D, Ahmed S, Sakurada K, Nishigaki K and Ikegaya H.
    Use of the genome profiling method for the identification of saliva and sweat samples.
    Jpn J Forensic Sci Tech 18(1):79-83, 2013.
  1. Akutsu T, Watanabe K, Motani H, Iwase H and Sakurada K.
    Evaluation of latex agglutination tests for fibrin-fibrinogen degradation products in the forensic identification of menstrual blood.
    Leg Med 14(1):51-54, 2012.
  1. Akutsu T, Watanabe K and Sakurada K.
    Specificity, sensitivity and operability of RSID-Urine for forensic identification of urine: comparison with ELISA for Tamm-Horsfall protein.
    J Forensic Sci 57(6):1570-1573, 2012.
  1. Akutsu T, Motani H, Watanabe K, Iwase H and Sakurada K.
    Detection of bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA genes for forensic identification of vaginal fluid.
    Leg Med 14(3):160-162, 2012.
  1. Sakurada K, Akutsu T, Watanabe K and Yoshino M.
    Identification of nasal blood by real-time RT-PCR.
    Leg Med 14(4):201-204, 2012.
  1. Suwa N, Ikegaya H, Takasaka T, Nishigaki K and Sakurada K.
    Human Blood identification using the genome profiling method.
    Leg Med 14(3):121-125, 2012.
  1. Sakurada K, Akutsu T, Watanabe K, Fujinami Y and Yoshino M.
    Expression of statherin mRNA and protein in nasal and vaginal secretions.
    Leg Med 13(6):309-313, 2011.
  1. Watanabe K, Ikegaya H, Hirayama K, Motani H, Iwase H, Kaneko H, Fukushima H, Akutsu T and Sakurada K.
    A novel method for ABO genotyping using a DNA chip.
    J Forensic Sci 56(S1):S183-S187, 2011.
  1. Fujinami Y, Kikkawa H, Kurosaki Y, Sakurada K, Yoshino M and Yasuda J.
    Rapid discrimination of Legionella by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of flight mass spectrometry.
    Microbiol Res 166(2):77-86, 2011.
  1. Takasaka T, Sakurada K, Akutsu T, Nishigaki K and Ikegaya H.
    Trials of the detection of semen and vaginal fluid RNA using the genome profiling method.
    Leg Med 13(5):265-267, 2011.
  1. Uchiyama M, Anzai M, Yamamoto A, Uchida K, Utsuno H, Kawase Y and Kasahara E.
    Root Canal System of the Maxillary Canine.
    Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 87(4):189-193, 2011.
  1. Uchida K, Miki M, Sugino N, Mochizuki N, Yamada S, Utsuno H, Yoshinari N and Taguchi A.
    A Case of Multiple Mandibular Fractures Resulting from a Fall.
    Jpn J Oral Diag/Oral Med 24(3):454-458, 2011.
  1. Sakurada K, Akutsu T, Fukushima H, Watanabe K and Yoshino M.
    Detection of dermcidin for sweat identification by real-time RT-PCR and ELISA.
    Forensic Sci Int 194 (1-3):80-84, 2010.
  1. Sakurada K and Ohta H.
    Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for determination of the pyridinium aldoxime 4-PAO in brain, liver, lung, and kidney.
    J Chromatgr B 878(17-18):1414-1419, 2010.
  1. Akutsu T, Ikegaya H, Watanabe K, Fukushima H, Motani H, Iwase H and Sakurada K.
    Evaluation of Tamm-Horsfall protein and uroplakin III for forensic identification of urine.
    J Forensic Sci 55(3):742-746, 2010.
  1. Akutsu T, Watanabe K, Fujinami Y and Sakurada K.
    Applicability of ELISA detection of statherin for forensic identification of saliva.
    Int J Legal Med 124(5):493-498, 2010.
  1. Inoue H, Motani-Saitoh H, Sakurada K, Ikegaya H, Yajima D, Hayakawa M, Sato Y, Otsuka K, Kobayashi K, Nagasawa S and Iwase H.
    Determination of the geographical origin of unidentified cadavers based on geographical differences in genotypes of varicella-zoster virus.
    J Med Virol 82(5):903-908, 2010.
  1. Inoue H, Motani-Saitoh H, Sakurada K, Ikegaya H, Yajima D, Hayakawa M, Sato Y, Otsuka K, Kobayashi K, Nagasawa S and Iwase H.
    Detection of varicella-zoster virus DNA in 414 human trigeminal ganglia from cadavers by the polymerase chain reaction: A comparison of the detection rate of varicella-zoster virus and herpes simplex virus type 1.
    J Med Virol 82(2):345-349, 2010.
  1. Ishihama K, Sumioka S, Sakurada K and Kogo M.
    Floating aerial blood mists in the operating room.
    J Hazard Mater 181(1-3):1179-1181, 2010.
  1. Ishiwari A, Akutsu T, Ikegaya H and Sakurada K.
    Purification and characterization of a lectin from Chinese quince (Chaenomeles sinensis) fruit.
    J Plant Biochem Biotech 19(2):243-245, 2010.
  1. Utsuno H, Kageyama T, Uchida K, Yoshino M, Miyazawa H and Inoue K.
    Facial soft tissue thickness in Japanese Children.
    Forensic Sci Int 199(1-3):109e1-6, 2010.
  1. Utsuno H, Kageyama T, Uchida K, Yoshino M, Oohigashi S, Miyazawa H and Inoue K.
    Pilot study of facial soft tissue thickness differences among three skeletal classes in Japanese females.
    Forensic Sci Int 195(1-3):165e1-5, 2010.
  1. Uchiyama M, Anzai M, Yamamoto A, Sato M, Utsuno H and Kasahara E.
    Root Canal anatomy of the 236 mandibular canines.
    Matsumoto Shigaku 36(2):107-114, 2010.
  1. Sakurada K, Ikegaya H, Fukushima H, Akutsu T, Watanabe K and Yoshino M.
    Evaluation of mRNA-based approach for identification of saliva and semen.
    Leg Med 11(3):125-128, 2009.
  1. Sakurada K, Ikegaya H, Ohta H, Fukushima H, Akutsu T and Watanabe K.
    Effects of oximes on mitochondrial oxidase activity.
    Toxicol Lett 189(2):110-114, 2009.
  1. Ikegaya H, Iwase H, Saukko PJ, Akutsu T, Sakurada K and Yoshino M.
    JC viral DNA chip allows geographical localization of unidentified cadavers for rapid identification.
    Forensic Sci Int: Genetics 2(1):54-60, 2008.
  1. Ikegaya H, Motani H, Sakurada K, Sato K, Akutsu T and Yoshino M.
    Forensic application of Epstein-Bar virus genotype: Correlation between viral genotype and geographical area.
    J Virol Med 147(1):78-85, 2008.
  1. Sakurada K, Motani H, Akutsu T, Ikegaya H and Iwase H.
    Identification of vaginal stains by detection of 17β-estradiol.
    Can Soc Forensic Sci J 41(1):13-19, 2008.
  1. Okuno S, Sakurada K, Ohta H, Ikegaya H, Kazui Y, Akutsu T, Takatori T and Iwatate K.
    Blood-brain barrier penetration of novel pyridinealdoxime methiodide (PAM)-type oximes examined by brain microdialysis with LC-MS/MS.
    Toxicol Appl Pharmaol 227(1):8-15, 2008.
  1. Ikegaya H, Iwase H, Akutsu T, Sakurada K and Yoshino M.
    Development of a BK virus DNA chip for geographical identification of unidentified cadavers.
    Jpn J Forensic Sci Tech 13(1):51-58, 2008.
  1. Utsuno H, Kageyama T, Uchida K, Deguchi T, Miyazawa H and Inoue K.
    Estimation of nasal tip position using lateral cephalometric X-ray images in Japanese male children: applications in facial reconstruction.
    Pedia Dent J 18(1):1-10, 2008.
  1. Tadokoro O, Umemura Y, Utsuno H and Inoue K.
    A case of a divided maxillary artery in the infratemporal fossa.
    Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 85(3):97-101, 2008.
  1. Ikegaya H, Motani H, Saukko P, Sato K, Akutsu T and Sakurada K.
    BK virus genotyping distribution provides information for tracing the geographical origins of unidentified cadavers.
    Forensic Sci Int 173(1):41-46, 2007.
  1. Akutsu T, Kobayashi K, Sakurada K, Ikegaya H, Furihata T and Chiba K.
    Identification of human cytochrome p450 isozymes involved in diphenhydramine N-demethylation.
    Drug Metab Dispos 35(1):72-78, 2007.
  1. Nakanishi H, Ohmori T, Akutsu T and Sakurada K.
    Preparation of latex reagents combined with IgM and its F(ab’)2 fragment from commercial ABO blood grouping reagent.
    Colloids Surf Biointerfaces 54(1):114-117, 2007.
  1. Utsuno H, Kageyama T, Deguchi T, Umemura Y, Yoshino M, Nakamura H, Miyazawa H, Inoue K.
    Facial soft tissue thickness in skeletal I Japanese children.
    Forensic Sci Int 172(2-3):137-143, 2007.
  1. Ikegaya H, Motani H, Akutsu T and Sakurada K.
    Detection of JC virus DNA from whole blood and urine samples.
    Internet J Microbiol 3(2), 2007.
  1. Sakurada K, Ikegaya H, Ohta H, Akutsu T and Takatori T.
    Hydrolysis of an acetylthiocholine by pralidoxime iodide(2-PAM).
    Toxicol Lett 166(3):255-260, 2006.
  1. Akutsu T, Sekiguchi K, Ohmori T and Sakurada K.
    Individual comparisons of the levels of (E)-3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid, an axillary odor-related compound, in Japanese.
    Chem Senses 31(6):557-563, 2006.
  1. Ikegaya H, Saukko PJ, Tertti R, Metsärinne KP, Carr M, Crowley B, Sakurada K*, Zheng HY, Kitamura T and Yogo Y.
    Identification of a genomic subgroup of BK polyomavirus spread in European populations.
    J General Virol 87(Pt11):3201-3208, 2006.
  1. Motani H, Sakurada K, Akutsu T, Ikegaya H, Hayakawa M, Sato Y, Yajima D, Sato K, Kobayashi K and Iwase H.
    Usefulness of dura mater in providing DNA samples for identifying cadavers.
    J Forensic Sci 51(4):888-892, 2006.
  1. Motani H, Sakurada K, Ikegaya H, Akutsu T, Hayakawa M, Sato Y, Yajima D, Sato K, Kobayashi K and Iwase H.
    Detection of herpes simplex virus type I DNA from bilateral human trigeminal ganglia and optic nerves by polymerase chain reaction.
    J Med Virol, 78(12):1584-1587, 2006.
  1. Takatori T, Nagao M, Iwase H and Sakurada K.
    Sarin poisoning diagnosis in the Tokyo subway.
    Res Legal Med 34:113-133, 2006.
  1. Ohta H, Ohmori T, Suzuki S, Ikegaya H, Sakurada K and Takatori T.
    New safe method for preparation of sarin-exposed human erythrocytes acetylcholinesterase using non-toxic and stable sarin analogue isopropyl p-nitrophenyl methylphosphonate (INMP) and its application to evaluation of nerve agent antidotes.
    Pharmaceut Res, 23(12):2827-2833, 2006.
  1. Takasaka T, Ohta N, Zheng HY, Ikegaya H, Sakurada K, Kitamura T and Yogo Y.
    JC polyomavirus lineages common among Kiribati Islanders:implications for human dispersal in the Pacific.
    Anthropol Sci 114:133-140, 2006.
  1. Ikegaya H, Saka K, Sakurada K, Nakamura M and Yoshida K.
    A case of sudden death after intramuscular injection of butylscopolamine bromide.
    Leg Med 8(3):194-197, 2006.
  1. Utsuno H, Kageyama T, Uchida K, Umemura Y and Inoue K.
    Sex determination of the juvenile skull using cephalometric radiography in Japanese children.
    Matsumoto Shigaku 32(2):128-132, 2006.
  1. Sakurada K, Sakai I, Sekiguchi K, Shiraishi T, Ikegaya H and Yoshida K.
    Usefulness of a latex agglutination assay for FDP D-dimer to demonstrate the presence of postmortem blood.
    Int J Legal Med 119(3):167-171, 2005.
  1. Sakurada K, Ikegaya H, Motani H, Iwase H, Sekiguchi K, Akutsu T, Yoshino M, Takatori T and Yoshida K.
    JC virus genotyping can be used to narrow down the native place of persons from urine stains.
    Jpn. J. Forensic Sci. Tech. 10(2):111-117, 2005.
  1. Ikegaya H, Iwase H, Zheng H, Nakajima M, Sakurada K, Takatori T, Fukayama M, Kitamura T and Yogo Y.
    JC virus genotyping using formaline-fixed, paraffin-embedded renal tissues.
    J Virol Med 126(1-2):37-43, 2005.
  1. Zheng H, Ikegaya I, Nakajima M, Sakurada K, Takasaka T, Kitamura T and Yogo Y.
    Two distinct genotypes (MY-x and MX) of JC virus previously identified in Hokkaido Ainu.
    Anthropol Sci 113:225-231, 2005.
  1. Utsuno H, Kageyama T, Deguchi T, Yoshino M, Miyazawa H and Inoue K.
    Facial soft tissue thickness in Japanese female children.
    Forensic Sci Int 152(2-3):101-107, 2005.
  1. Utsuno H, Kanoh T, Tadokoro O and Inoue K.
    Preliminary study of post mortem identification using lip prints.
    Forensic Sci Int 149(2-3):129-132, 2005.
  1. Sakurada K, Kobayashi M, Ikegaya H, Takatori T and Yoshida K.
    Detection of 7-aminoflunitrazepam in mummified liver and kidney by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
    Can Soc Forensic Sci J 37(4):207-213, 2004.
  1. Utsuno H and Minaguchi K.
    Influence of template DNA degradation on the genotyping of SNPs and STR polymorphisms from forensic materials by PCR.
    Bull Tokyo Dent Coll 45(1):33-46, 2004.
  1. Sakurada K, Matsubara K, Shimizu K, Shiono H, Seto Y, Tsuge K, Yoshino M, Sakai I, Mukoyama H and Takatori T.
    Pralidoxime iodide (2-PAM) penetrates across the blood-brain barrier.
    Neurochem Res 28(9):1401-1407, 2003.
  1. Sakurada K, Toida I, Sakai I, Sekiguchi K, Shiraishi T and Takatori T.
    The BCG scar after percutaneous multiple puncture vaccination may help establish the nationalities of unidentified cadavers.
    J Clin Forensic Med 10(4):235-241, 2003.
  1. Sakurada K, Kobayashi M, Iwase H, Yoshino M, Mukoyama H, Takatoi T and Yoshida K.
    Production of γ-hydroxybutyric acid in postmortem liver increases with time after death.
    Toxicol Lett 129:207-217, 2002.
  1. Ikegaya H, Kobayashi M, Sakurada K, Takeichi H, Yoshida K and Iwase H.
    Detection of the calcium antagonist nicardipine and its metabolites by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
    Forensic Sci Int 130:25-28, 2002.
  1. Atsuchi M, Noguchi K, Kubota S, Imaizumi K, Sakurada K, Yoshino M, Fraser NL, Thomas CDL and Clement JG.
    Evaluation of morphometric matching for the identification of caucasian faces from blurred images.
    Jpn J Sci Tech Iden 6(2):135-138, 2002.
  1. Kobayashi M, Ikegaya H, Takase I, Hatanaka K, Sakurada K and Iwase H.
    Development of rigor mortis is not affected by muscle volume.
    Forensic Sci Int 117:213-219, 2001
  1. Iwase H, Sakurada K, Ikegaya H, Hatanaka K, Takeichi H, Kobayashi M and Yoshida K.
    Thiol-oxidizing agent diamide and acidic pH enhance lipid peroxidation of rat heart mitochondria and cardiolipin-cytochrome c complex.
    IUBMB Life 51:39-43, 2001.
  1. Ikegaya H, Iwase H, Hatanaka K, Sakurada K, Yoshida K and Takatoi T.
    Diagnosis of cyanide intoxication by measurement of cytochrome c oxidase activity.
    Toxicol Lett 119:117-123, 2001.
  1. Kobayashi M, Takatoi T, Nakajima M, Sakurada K, Hatanaka K, Ikegaya H, Matsuda Y and Iwase H.
    Onset of rigor mortis is earlier in red muscle than in white muscle.
    Int J Legal Med 113:240-243, 2000.
  1. Ikegaya H, Iwase H, Hatanaka K, Sakurada K, Matsuda Y, Kobayashi M. and Takatoi T.
    Postmortem changes in cytochrome c oxidase activity in various organs of the rat and in human heart.
    Forensic Sci Int 108:181-186, 2000.
  1. Iwase H, Sakurada K, Hatanaka K, Kobayashi M and Takatoi T.
    Effect of cytochrome c on the linoleic acid-degrading activity of porcine leukocyte 12-lipoxygenase.
    Free Radic Biol Med 28(6):912-919, 2000.
  1. Sakurada K, Iwase H, Kobayashi M, Uemura H, Nakaya H, Ikegaya H and Yoshida K.
    cis-9,10-methylenehexadecanoic acid inhibits contractility and actomyosin ATPase activity of guinea pig myocardium.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 274(2):533-536, 2000.
  1. Sakurada K, Iwase H, Takatoi T, Nagao M, Nakajima M, Niijima H, Matsuda Y and Kobayashi M.
    Identification of cis-9,10-methylenehexadecanoic acid in submitochondria particles of bovine heart.
    Biochim Biophys Acta 1437:214-222, 1999.
  1. Kobayashi M, Sakurada K, Nakajima M, Iwase H, Hatanaka K, Matsuda Y, Ikegaya H and Takatori T.
    A ‘keyhole lesion’ gunshot wound in an adipocere case.
    Leg Med 1(3):170-173, 1999.
  1. Iwase H, Sakurada K, Takatoi T, Nagao M, Niijima H, Matsuda Y and Kobayashi M.
    Calcium ions potentiate lipoxygenase activity of cytochrome c at the physiological pH.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 243(2):485-491, 1998.
  1. Iwase H, Takatoi T, Sakurada K, Nagao M, Niijima H, Matsuda Y and Kobayashi M.
    Calcium is required for quasi-lipoxygenase activity of hemoproteins.
    Free Radic Biol Med 25(8):943-952, 1998.
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