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             > 安田賢二教授

安田 賢二

1990年 早稲田大学理工学部物理学科卒業
1992年 早稲田大学大学院理工学研究科修士課程修了
1992年 (株)日立製作所入社、基礎研究所研究員
1999年 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科助教授
2005年 4月よりスタンフォード大学客員教授(兼担)
2006年 4月より現職

1. Ippei Inoue, Daisuke Shiomi, Ikuro Kawagishi, Kenji Yasuda. Simultaneous measurement of sensor-protein dynamics and motility of a single cell by on-chip microcultivation system. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 2004, 2:4 (30Apr2004)

2. I. Suzuki, Y. Sugio, Y. Jimbo, K. Yasuda. Individual-cell-based electrophysiological measurement of a topographically controlled neuronal network pattern using agarose architecture with a multi-electrode array. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 43 (2004) No.3B pp.L403-L406.

3.K. Takahashi, A. Hattori, T. Ichiki, K. Yasuda, ”On-chip cell sorter system with phase-contrast/fluorescence simultaneous microscopy image processing”, J. Electrophoresis,

4. K. Takahashi, K. Matsumura, K. Yasuda,. On?chip microcultivation chamber for swimming cells using visualized poly(dimetylsiloxane) valve. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.42 (2003) No.9AB pp.L1104 - L1107.

5. K. Takahashi, K. Kojima, Y. Sugio, T. Kaneko, K. Yasuda, Development of on-chip multi-electrode single-cell based neural-cell network cultivation system using thick photoresist SU-8 and semi-permeable membrane for long term studies. Sens. & Actuat. B,

6. H. Moriguchi, Y. Sugio, K. Takahashi, T. Kaneko, K. Yasuda. An Agar-microchamber cell-cultivation system for topographical control of neural cell network pattern during cultivation. J. Electrophoresis,

7. K. Kojima, H. Moriguchi, A. Hattori, T. Kaneko, K. Yasuda. Two-dimensional Network Formation of Cardiac Myocytes in Agar Microculture Chip with 1480-nm Infrared Laser Photo-thermal Etching. Lab. Chip., 2003, 3, 299 ? 303.

8. A.Hattori, H. Moriguchi, S. Ishiwata, K. Yasuda. A 1480-nm/1064-nm dual wavelength photo-thermal etching system for non-contact three-dimensional microstructure generation into agar microculture chip. Sens. & Actuat. B, Vol 100(3) (2004) pp 455-462.

9. K. Kojima, K. Takahashi, T. Kaneko, K. Yasuda. Flexible control of electrode pattern on cultivation chamber during cultivation of cells using non-destructive optical etching. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.42 (2003) No.8A pp.L980 - L982.

10. Y. Sugio, K. Kojima, H. Moriguchi, K. Takahashi, T. Kaneko, and K. Yasuda. An agar-based on-chip neural-cell cultivation system for stepwise control of network pattern generation during cultivation. Sens. & Actuat. B (2004) 99(1), 156-162.

11. Y. Wakamoto, S. Umehara, K. Matsumura, I. Inoue and K. Yasuda, Development of Non-Destructive, Non-contact Single-Cell Based Differential Cell Assay using On-chip Microcultivation and Optical Tweezers, Sens. & Actuat. B, (2003) 96(3):693-700.

12.S. Umehara, A. Hattori Y. Wakamoto, K. Yasuda, Simultaneous measurement of growth and movement of cells exploiting on-chip single-cell cultivation assay, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., (2004) , 43(3):1214-1217.

13.A. Hattori, S. Umehara, Y. Wakamoto, K. Yasuda, Measurement of incident angle dependence of swimming bacterium reflection using on-chip single-cell cultivation assay, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., (2003) Vol.42, No.7B: L873 - L875.

14.K. Matsumura, T. Yagi, K. Yasuda, “Differential analysis of cell cycle stability in Chlamydomonas using on-chip single-cell cultivation system”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. (2003) Vol.42, No.7A :.L784 - L787.

15.K. Matsumura, T. Yagi, K. Yasuda, Role of Timer and Sizer in Regulation of Chlamydomonas Cell Cycle, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2003) 306: 1042-1049.

16.S. Umehara, Y. Wakamoto, I. Inoue, K. Yasuda, “On-chip single-cell microcultivation assay for monitoring environmental effects on isolated cells”, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2003) 305: 534?540.

17. H. Moriguchi, K. Takahashi, Y. Sugio, Y. Wakamoto, I. Inoue, Y. Jimbo, and K. Yasuda, On chip neural cell cultivation using agarose-microchamber array constructed by photo-thermal etching method. Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol. 146 (2), pp.37-42 (2003).

18. 高橋一憲、杉尾嘉宏、森口裕之、神保泰彦、安田賢二 「光硬化性樹脂SU-8と半透膜を用いた神経細胞長期培養用多電極刺激計測マイクロチャンバの試作」電気学会論文誌,(2002) 122-C: 1447-1452.

19. 森口裕之、高橋一憲、杉尾嘉宏、若本祐一、井之上一平、神保泰彦、安田賢二 「集束光加熱エッチング法によって加工したアガロースマイクロチャンバアレイを用いた神経細胞の培養」電気学会論文誌,(2002) 122-C: 1453-1458.

20. H. Moriguchi, Y. Wakamoto, Y. Sugio, K. Takahashi, I. Inoue and K. Yasuda, “An agar-microchamber cell-cultivation system: flexible change of microchamber shapes during cultivation by photo-thermal etching.” Lab Chip, (2002) 2,: 125-130.

21. I. Inoue, Y. Wakamoto, and K. Yasuda, “Non-genetic Variability of Division Cycle and Growth of Isolated Individual Cells in On-chip Culture System.” Proc. Japan Acad., (2001) 77B: 145-150.

22. I. Inoue, Y. Wakamoto, H. Moriguchi, K. Okano, and K. Yasuda, “On-chip Culture System for Observation of Isolated Individual Cells.” Lab chip, (2001) 1: 50-55

23. Y. Wakamoto, I. Inoue, H. Moriguchi, and K. Yasuda, “Analysis of single-cell differences using on-chip microculture system and optical trapping.” Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., (2001) 371: 276-281.

24. 岡野和宣, 陳鋼, 小原賢信, 梶山智晴, 安田賢二, 石渡信一 DNAプローブアレイを用いたDNA断片回収. 電気学会論文誌E, (2001) 121: 181-186..

25. K. Yasuda. “Non-destractive, non-contact handling method for biomaterials in micro-chamber by ultrasound.” Sens. & Actuat. B (2000) 64: 128-135.

26. K. Okano, K. Yasuda, S. Ishiwata. “Position-specific release of DNA from a chip by using photothermal denaturation.” Sens. & Actuat. B (2000) 64: 88-94.

27. K. Yasuda, K. Okano, S. Ishiwata. “Focal extraction of surface-bound DNA from a microchip using photo-thermal denaturation.” BioTechniques (2000) 28: 1006-1011.

28. K. Yasuda. “Measurement of microscopic spatial distribution of acoustic radiation force using microspheres and electrostatic force.” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. (1999) 38: 3316-3319.

29. Y. Harada, K. Yasuda, S. Nomura, N. Kajimura, and Y. C. Sasaki. “Vectorially oriented fixation of membrane-embedded bacteriorhodopsin onto an inert base.” Langmiur (1998) 14: 1829-1835.

30. S. Ishiwata, M. Miki, I. Shin, T. Funatsu, K. Yasuda and C. G. dos Remedios. “Interhead distances in myosin attached to F-actin estimated by fluorescence energy transfer spectroscopy.” Biophys. J. (1997) 73: 895-904.

31. K. Yasuda, T. Kamakura. “Acoustic radiation force on micrometer-size particles.” Appl. Phys. Lett. (1997) 71: 1771-1773.

32. K. Yasuda, S.-S. Haupt, S. Umemura, T. Yagi, M. Nishida, and Y. Shibata. “Using acoustic radiation force as a concentration method for erythrocytes.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (1997) 102: 642- 645.

33. K. Yasuda. “Blood concentration by superposition of higher harmonics of ultrasound.” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. (1997) 36: 3130-3135.

34. Y. C. Sasaki, K. Yasuda, Y. Suzuki, T. Ishibashi, I. Satoh, Y. Fujiki, and S. Ishiwata. “Two-dimensional arrangement of a functional protein by cysteine-gold interaction: enzyme activity and characterization of a protein monolayer on a gold substrate.” Biophys. J. (1997) 72: 1842-1848.


1) T. Ichiki, T. Ujiie, T. Hara, Y. Horiike, and K. Yasuda, “On-chip cell sorter for single cell expression analysis.” Micro Total Analysis Systems 2001 (eds. Ramsey, J. M., van den Berg, A.) , (2001) 271-273. Kluwer Academic Publishers (Netherlands).

2) Y. Wakamoto, I. Inoue, H. Moriguchi, and K. Yasuda, “Differential analysis of single-cell cultivation using on-chip microculture system and optical trapping.” Micro Total Analysis Systems 2001 (eds. Ramsey, J. M., van den Berg, A.) , (2001) 315-316. Kluwer Academic Publishers (Netherlands).

3) I. Inoue, Y. Wakamoto, H. Moriguchi, K. Okano, and K. Yasuda, “Observation of individual cell using on-chip culture system.” Micro Total Analysis Systems 2001 (eds. Ramsey, J. M., van den Berg, A.) , (2001) 317-318. Kluwer Academic Publishers (Netherlands).

4) 安田 賢二、鎌倉 友男「音場中での微粒子挙動の解析による超音波輻射圧の可視化の試み −超音波輻射圧による微粒子濃縮限界粒径−」信学技報(1997) US97-8: 49-54.


安田賢二 微細加工技術を用いたオンチップ1細胞解析システム、バイオサイエンスとインダストリー(2004)第62巻2号27-30.

安田賢二 「オンチップセルソーター」 バイオマテリアル (2003) 21-2: 127-132.

K. Yasuda. “”Biomedical Photonics Handbook (ed. Tuan Vo-Dinh), (2003) . CRC Press Ch. 61 Advanced photonics: optical trapping techniques in bioanalysis, 61-1 ? 61-17.

安田賢二、「マイクロマシン技術総覧」(樋口 俊郎 監修, 産業技術サービスセンター、分担執筆)"第4章第3節 音場"、(2003) 529-545.

安田賢二、「マイクロマシン」(江刺正喜監修, 産業技術サービスセンター、分担執筆)"第14章第1節 オンチップ1細胞培養システムを用いた細胞状態の比較分析"、(2002) 598-606.

若本祐一、井之上一平、森口裕之、安田賢二、「マイクロチップを利用した1細胞培養システム」生化学(2001)73-12: 1439-1443.

井之上一平, 若本祐一, 安田賢二. 「マイクロチップを利用した1細胞長期培養装置.」 生物物理. (2001) 41: 111-113.

安田賢二「超音波輻射圧による生体微粒子操作技術」応用物理 (1998) 67(3): 323-326.




金子智行、服部明弘、高橋一憲、井之上一平、山野泰子、森口裕之、杉尾嘉宏、若本祐一、小島健介、梅原千慶、松村和典、綾野賢、安田賢二 “オンチップ一細胞長期培養観察系による細胞動態のタイムラプス計測”、講演予稿集, p. S46, 1H1650

服部明弘、若本祐一、安田賢二 “マイクロ加工と画像処理を用いた大腸菌一細胞の成長過程における運動パターン変化解析技術”、講演予稿集, p. S172, 3I0930

高橋一憲、服部明弘、一木隆範、安田賢二 “位相差/蛍光デュアル顕微画像処理を組み込んだオンチップセルソータの開発”、講演予稿集, p. S173, 3I0945

綾野賢、山下志乃舞、若本祐一、安田賢二 “光ピンセットが細胞に与えるダメージの定量的検討”、講演予稿集, p. S173, 3I1000

杉尾嘉宏、高橋一憲、服部明弘、金子智行、神保泰彦、安田賢二 “神経細胞ネットワークの形状制御のための培養細胞配置技術の開発”、講演予稿集, p. S177, 3J1000

山野泰子、金子智行、伊藤嘉浩、安田賢二 “マイクロビーズ上に固定した細胞増殖因子を用いた局所刺激に対するPC12細胞の分化応答の観察”、講演予稿集, p. S195, 3N1030

金子智行、安田賢二 “心筋細胞との共培養によるPC12細胞の分化誘導”、講演予稿集, p. S195, 3N1045

若本祐一、井之上一平、安田賢二 “オンチップ大腸菌長期1細胞観察法を用いた成長・分裂ダイナミクスの世代間比較計測”、講演予稿集, p. S200, 3O0930

松村和典、若本祐一、八木俊樹、神谷律、安田賢二 “一細胞長期培養系を用いた光量変化に対するクラミドモナス細胞分裂サイクルの応答解析”、講演予稿集, p. S200, 3O0945

梅原千慶、井之上一平、安田賢二 “栄養条件変化に対する大腸菌一細胞レベルの適応機構の検討”、講演予稿集, p. S200, 3O1015

小島健介、高橋一憲、服部明弘、金子智行、安田賢二 “一次元配列した培養心筋細胞の拍動リズム同期ダイナミクスの解析”、講演予稿集, p. S203, 3O1430

森口裕之、高橋一憲、金子智行、安田賢二 “アガロースマイクロチャンバーアレイ(AMCA)と集束レーザー光による局所加熱法を利用した培養神経ネットワークの形態制御”、講演予稿集, p. S209, 3R1500



“化学反応で複製するジャイアントベシクルのリアルタイム観察”、講演予稿集, p. S27, V1E1440


“骨格筋収縮系SPOCは力学的な外部刺激に同調する”、講演予稿集, p. S51, 1P076

井之上一平、若本祐一、森口裕之、安田賢二 “同一環境下での姉妹大腸菌の成長・分裂比較計測”、講演予稿集, p. S85, 1P210

若本祐一、井之上一平、森口裕之、安田賢二 “大腸菌直系子孫細胞の成長・分裂における差分値計測”、講演予稿集, p. S87, 1P217

高橋一憲、服部明弘、岡野和宣、安田賢二 “DNAチップを用いた一細胞遺伝子発現解析のためのレーザー局所加熱法によるmRNAの空間選択的回収の検討”、講演予稿集, p. S87, 1P220

服部明弘、井之上一平、若本祐一、安田賢二 “一細胞顕微培養観察のためのオンチップタイムラプス計測システムの開発”、講演予稿集, p. S95, 1P251

杉尾嘉宏、勇隆仁、森口裕之、高橋一憲、安田賢二 “マイクロ多電極アレイを用いた神経回路刺激計測装置系の開発”、講演予稿集, p. S145, 2P200

森口裕之、若本祐一、杉尾嘉宏、高橋一憲、井之上一平、安田賢二 “Agar Micro-chamber ―マイクロファブリケーションの細胞培養観察系への新しい応用―”、講演予稿集, p. S155, 2P237

梅原千慶、井之上一平、安田賢二 “大腸菌の成長最小長さの検討”、講演予稿集, p. S202, 3P175


井之上一平、若本祐一、森口裕之、柏木明子、四方哲也、金子邦彦、安田賢二 “一細胞顕微培養観察装置系を用いた大腸菌娘細胞の成長比較”、講演予稿集, p. 316, 29pWA1

森口裕之、井之上一平、若本祐一、岡野和宣、大沼清、四方哲也、金子邦彦、安田賢二 “Observation of individual E. coli immobilized by semipermeable membrane wrapping method”、講演予稿集, p316, 29pWA2

若本祐一、井之上一平、森口裕之、安田賢二 “マイクロ加工技術と光ピンセットを用いたセルソーティングシステムの開発”、講演予稿集, p316, 29pWA3


新原岳雄、大沼清、石渡信一、安田賢二 “サイズ・パターン制御されたニワトリ胚培養心筋細胞ネットワークの研究”、講演予稿集, p. S13, 1B1040

豊田太郎、山田幸司、高倉克人、安田賢二、四方哲也、菅原正 “ジャイアントリポソームの自己複製反応システムの解析”、講演予稿集, p. S15, 1B1440

井之上一平、若本祐一、大沼清、柏木明子、四方哲也、金子邦彦、安田賢二 “顕微培養観察装置系を用いた一定栄養条件下での大腸菌分裂の個体レベル観察”、講演予稿集, p. S16, 1B1520

若本祐一、井之上一平、大沼清、柏木明子、四方哲也、金子邦彦、安田賢二 “光ピンセットがEscherichia coliに与えるダメージの検討”、講演予稿集, p. S16, 1B1540


安田賢二、岡野和宣、五嶋淳、野崎貴之、石渡信一 “集束レーザー局所加熱によるDNAチップからのDNA選択回収”、講演予稿集, p. S206, 3PD037


Yuichi Wakamoto, Ippei Inoue, and Kenji Yasuda, “Observation of growth and division dynamics and stabilities of single Escherichia coli cells over a span of 10 generations,” Biophysical Society 47th Annual meeting, (San Antonio, USA, March 1-5, 2003)

Senkei Umehara, Ippei Inoue, and K. Yasuda, “Memorization of the information on irreversible changes in Escherichia coli after environmental changes,” Biophysical Society 47th Annual meeting, 2845-Pos (San Antonio, USA, March 1-5, 2003)

Hiroyuki Moriguchi, Kazunori Takahashi, Tomoyuki Kaneko, and Kenji Yasuda, “On-chip agarose microchamber (AMC) array cell-cultivation system for topographical control of neural network,” 6th International Symposium on Micro Total Analysis System (Micro-TAS2002), (Nara, Japan, November 3-7, 2002)

T. Hara, T. Ichiki, Y. Horiike, and K. Yasuda, “Fabrication of on-chip sorter devices with sub-micrometer scale channels and self-aligned microelectrodes,” 6th International Symposium on Micro Total Analysis System (Micro-TAS2002), (Nara, Japan, November 3-7, 2002)

Kazunori Takahashi, Yoshihiro Sugio, Hiroyuki Moriguchi, Yasuhiko Jimbo, and Kenji Yasuda, “On-chip neural cell-cultivation system for long-term observation with multi-electrode and microchamber arrays,” 6th International Symposium on Micro Total Analysis System (Micro-TAS2002), (Nara, Japan, November 3-7, 2002)

Kazunori Takahashi, H. Kazuhiro, K. Okano, and K. Yasuda, “Selective recovery of screened DNA/RNA on DNA chip for full-length analysis using laser assisted photo-thermal denaturation method,” Biophysical Society 46th Annual meeting, 798-Pos (San Francisco, USA, February 23-27, 2002)

Hiroyuki Moriguchi, K. Takahashi, Y. Wakamoto, Y. Sugio, I. Inoue, and K. Yasuda, “On-chip agar-microchamber system for single cells cultivation and observation,” Biophysical Society 46th Annual meeting, 807-Pos (San Francisco, USA, February 23-27, 2002)

Yoshihiro Sugio, K. Takahashi, H. Moriguchi, T. Isami, and K. Yasuda, “Development of micro-multi-electrode array chip system for multi-site stimulation/analysis of nerve cells network,” Biophysical Society 46th Annual meeting, 1357-Pos (San Francisco, USA, February 23-27, 2002)

Akihiro Hattori, I. Inoue, Y. Wakamoto, and K. Yasuda, “Development of on-chip time-lapse analysis system for continuous observation of single cells,” Biophysical Society 46th Annual meeting, 2444-Pos (San Francisco, USA, February 23-27, 2002)

Ippei Inoue, Y. Wakamoto, H. Moriguchi, and K. Yasuda, “Non-genetic Variability of Cell Growth and Division of Isolated Individual Bacteria in On-chip Culture System,” Biophysical Society 46th Annual meeting, 2445-Pos (San Francisco, USA, February 23-27, 2002)

Yuichi Wakamoto, I. Inoue, H. Moriguchi, and K. Yasuda, “Variety of long-term isolated single cells of Escherichia coli and differences in cells derived from one ancestor,” Biophysical Society 46th Annual meeting, 3078-Pos (San Francisco, USA, February 23-27, 2002)

Senkei Umehara, I. Inoue, and K. Yasuda, “A minimal length of Escherichia coli,” Biophysical Society 46th Annual meeting, 3080-Pos (San Francisco, USA, February 23-27, 2002)

Shinobu Yamashita, Y. Wakamoto, and K. Yasuda, “Studies on photodamage of optical trap to bacteria,” Biophysical Society 46th Annual meeting, 3082-Pos (San Francisco, USA, February 23-27, 2002)

Ippei Inoue, Yuichi Wakamoto, Kiyoshi Onuma, Akiko Kashiwagi, Kunihiko Kaneko, Tetsuya Yomo, and Kenji Yasuda, “Culture system for observation of individual bacteria,” Biophysical Society 45th Annual Meeting, 656.41-Pos (Boston, USA, February 17-21, 2001)

T. Ichiki, T. Ujiie, T. Hara, Y. Horiike, and K. Yasuda, “On-chip cell corter for single cell expression analysis,” 5th International Symposium on Micro Total Analysis System (Micro-TAS2001), (Monterey, USA, October 21-25, 2001)

I. Inoue, Y. Wakamoto, H. Moriguchi, K. Okano, and K. Yasuda, “Observation of individual cell using on-chip culture system,” 5th International Symposium on Micro Total Analysis System (Micro-TAS2001), (Monterey, USA, October 21-25, 2001)

Y. Wakamoto, I. Inoue, H. Moriguchi, and K. Yasuda, “Differential analysis of single-cell cultivation using on-chip microculture system and optical trapping,” 5th International Symposium on Micro Total Analysis System (Micro-TAS2001), (Monterey, USA, October 21-25, 2001)

Yuichi Wakamoto, Ippei Inoue, Hiroyuki Moriguchi, and Kenji Yasuda, “Difference between close relatives of Escherichia coli,” 4th International Conference on Biological Physics, F205, (Kyoto, Japan, July 30-August 3, 2001)

Kenji Yasuda, “Non-destructive mixing, concentration, fractionation and separation of ?m-sized particles in liquid by ultrasound,” 4th International Symposium on Micro Total Analysis System (Micro-TAS2000), (Enschede, Netherlands, May 14-18, 2000)

Kazunori Okano, Gang Chen, Kenji Yasuda, and Shin’ichi Ishiwata, “DNA preparation by using a DNA chip,” 4th International Symposium on Micro Total Analysis System (Micro-TAS2000), (Enschede, Netherlands, May 14-18, 2000)