
大学の世界展開力強化事業 ~ASEAN諸国との大学間交流形成支援~

イベント報告(平成28 年度) Activities (FY2016)

【受入】歯科研修プログラム【Inbound】TMDU Dental Training Program

2016年10月6日~19日 / October 12th to 19th, 2016

TMDU Dental Training Program 2016では今年度もタイ(チュラロンコン大学・シーナカリンウィロット大学)、インドネシア(インドネシア大学)、ベトナム(ホーチミン医科薬科大学)から合計30名を受入れました。従来の分野見学やリサーチデイの研究発表の他、今年度から新たに取り入れられた学生がチームになってお互いの似顔絵をデッサンし合うチームアクティビティなどを通して、今年も大いに盛り上がりました!

In this TMDU Dental Training Program 2016, 30 students participated from Chulalongkorn University, Srinakharinwirot University in Thailand, Universitas Indonesia in Indonesia, and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. In addition to the last program such as a laboratory visit, and research presentations, the teamwork activity was set that the students draw their portraits each other. They learnt a lot and enjoyed international exchange together through this program!

【派遣】歯学部 シドニー大学派遣【Outbound】Dental Exchange program at the University of Sydney

2016年7月22日~31日 / July 22nd to 31st, 2016


Seven sixth-year dental students were sent to the Sydney University in Australia following the program in last year.They had lots of experiences not only looking around hospitals or having lectures from various lecturers but also being exposed to nature and culture of Australia during eight days of stay in Sydney

【派遣】医学部保健衛生学科 チュラロンコーン大学派遣【Outbound】Medical exchange program at Chulalongkorn University

2016年8月20日~8月29日 / August 20th to 29th, 2016


Students from School of Health Care Sciences were sent to Thailand. They experienced the training such as visiting hospital, lecture at the university and practicum which includes that it has not been in the curriculum in Japan. In cultural exchange, students introduced their cultures each other and dance together such as Bon-odori. Totally it was a fulfilling program.

【派遣】歯学部 インドネシア大学派遣【Outbound】Dental exchange program at Universitas Indonesia

2016年8月27日~9月4日/August 27th to September 4th, 2016


10 students altogether, including 1 2nd-year dental student, 3 3rd-year dental students, 2 4th-year dental student, 2 5th-year students, and 1 4th-year oral health care student and 1 graduate school student,were sent to Indonesia where they participated in skills labo and learn the medical situation in each countries by discussing with the students from University of Indonesia. They experienced fruitful training program as well as the cultural exchange that they performed So-ran bushi wearing Yukata.

【派遣】歯学部 チュラロンコーン大学派遣【Outbound】Chulalongkorn University

2017年1月21日~1/28日 / January 21st to 28th, 2017

歯学科5年に在籍する学生5名が、D4カリキュラムで行った研究体験実習の成果をチュラロンコン大学の、学部学生複数名が1グループを形成し1年間を通じて行った研究成果の発表会であるResearch Dayにて発表した。

TMDU fifth-year dental students presented their research results on Research Day at CU where groups were able to present the results of their research activities and studies over the past year.

【派遣】歯学部 ホーチミン医科薬科大学派遣【Outbound】Dental exchange program at University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

2017年2月25日~3月5日 / February 25th to March 5th, 2017


5 3rd-year oral health care students were sent. It was a memorable event for the students which included group work of discussion or presentation and wearing the Vietnamese ethnic costume.

【派遣】歯学部 シーナカリンウィロート大学派遣【Outbound】Srinakharinwirot University

2017年3月11日~3/19日 / March 11st to 19th, 2017


5 dental students were sent and joined in: the Srinakarinwirot university hospital observation, attending lecture about English academic writing and dentistry in Thailand, introducing about the university and student life to each other, and experiencing traditional Thai cultures.