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How to Improve Your English Reading Skill

Reading is one of the most basic and most important skills you will need as a student. Reading skill is largely developed by experience. One popular and effective way to become a better reader is through Extensive Reading (多読) (read more about Extensive Reading below).


NetAcademy has short readings on simple health topics. It also includes useful tools for timing reading speed and shadowing, and a Notes & Phrases section for building vocabulary!

Click the in the Google calendar (left column) to access our recommended study schedule for NetAcademy Medical English course on your phone or PC!

Wikipedia: Simple English Wikipedia

Wikipedia is one of the most popular websites in the world. It is a useful place to begin learning about topics and improve your English. We recommend starting with the Simple English Wikipedia which is for learners of English using basic vocabulary and grammar to make it easier to read. Medical topics tend to be very difficult to read on the main English Wikipedia, so try this site to get a basic idea. Then, make sure you look for more information from other sources.

Here is an example: Intensive care unit

Simple Wikipedia

Extensive Reading 多読

Extensive Reading is one way to practice reading so that you become faster and more comfortable. Practicing reading regularly is important, so pick books that interests you (e.g., mysteries, comedies, science fiction, historical novels, fiction, fantasy) and read, read, and read some more. Basically, read something you like, read often, and stop reading a book if you don't enjoy it. (But, be sure to pick another one.) Just read as much as you can!

You don't have to just read books. You can also read the newspaper, online websites and English comics. Visit the English Corner at Kounodai Branch Library (more information below) to find all kinds of English materials.

Extensive Reading has become very popular in Japan. You can find magazines with short stories and advice in most bookstores. If you need help in Japanese, visit めざせ100万語!多読で学ぶSSS英語学習法.

English Corner at Kounodai Branch Library

Our Konodai Branch Library has an English Corner that has a variety of English materials. You can search TMDU's OPAC for our selection. They include:

  • Graded readers
  • English-medium textbooks
  • Newspapers & Magazines.

    Graded Readers

    Graded readers are simplified versions of books for non-native speakers studying English. Graded Readers are great for Extensive Reading. These books are easier to read and build level by level. If you don't know which level is right for you, just pick any book and read two or three pages. If you don't need a dictionary, it is probably the right level for you. As your reading level improves you can select books from higher levels. Here are different series of Graded Readers and links to their Level Tests:

    1. Oxford Press: Test Your Level--> Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6,
    2. MacMillan: Test Your Level and Catalogue
    3. McGraw Hill: 3 levels (by color)
    4. Penguin Readers: Test Your Level

    If you really want to check your reading level, try this short online test:

    English-medium textbooks

    Reading Englsih-medium textbooks to study or review subject material is a good way to practice for courses taught in English (English-medium Courses). Here are some available English-medium textbooks in the Library:

    1. Physics
    2. Calculus
    3. Mathmatical Biology
    4. Algebra
    5. Human Biology
    6. Cell Biology

    Newspapers & Magazines

    Reading newspapers and magazines not only can improve your reading skill but your vocabulary. The writing styles of these publications are very different from novels and textbooks. Here are some publications available at Kounodai Library:

    1. Discover magazine
    2. Time magazine
    3. English Journal
    4. The Japan Times
    5. The International New York Times

    You can also pick up old copies of the Japan Times and the New York Times outside Prof. Foss's office for FREE! Take one home today and start reading...

    Your Favorites

    If you make use of our Graded Readers, English-medium textbooks, and newspapers/magazines and would like more to select from, please let the English faculty or Library staff know. We want to make the English Corner better for you, so give us your recommendations!

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    English Language Department
    College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University
    2-8-30 Kounodai, Ichikawa
    Chiba 272-0827, Japan
    東京医科歯科大学 教養部 英語分野
    〒272-0827 千葉県市川市国府台 2-8-30
    © 2016 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences English Division