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How to Improve Your English Outside the Classroom

People who speak English well worked hard in their classes, but they also studied on their own. It takes time, effort, and interest to learn any language. Regular practice is the most important thing you can do to improve your English skills beyond the classroom.

Independent Learning

Studying independently means you can learn when you have time and energy. Independent learning means you improve your English by reading, listening, talking, and writing about things that you like. You can learn English at the same time as you learn about something new or communicate with others from all over the world.

Setting goals

Set a goal for yourself. What kind of English speaker do you want to become? Traveller? Researcher? Teacher? International relief worker? Film expert? British comedy fan? Online gamer?

Making a plan

Make a plan for yourself. When and how do you like to study? Late at night? On the train? With your phone? On the Internet? With a cup of coffee and a notebook? In a pub in the UK?

Choosing a skill and making a routine

Choose one or more skills below that you want to improve. Try the activities--not just once--try them for a week or 10 days. If you enjoy studying with one of these activities, make it part of your daily or weekly schedule.

ALC Net Academy Online Course

TMDU offers a free online course called NetAcademy (published by ALC) that can help you improve your Vocabulary, Reading, and Listening skills for two subject areas:

  • Medical English (study schedule available below)
  • Science English

There is also the Dojo (道場) for more general vocabulary building.

This is an old system. It does not work on tablet or phone iOS. You may also have trouble with Explorer browser. To log in and access the course, use a PC and Google chrome or Safari browser. Your login name and password will be given to you at orientation in April.

BONUS POINTS: Students who study regularly and do very well may be able to earn a few bonus points added to their 1st year English grade.

Click the to connect to the following Google calendar on your phone or PC and you can access our recommended study schedule for NetAcademy Medical English course!

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English Language Department
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
2-8-30 Kounodai, Ichikawa
Chiba 272-0827, Japan
東京医科歯科大学 教養部 英語分野
〒272-0827 千葉県市川市国府台 2-8-30
© 2017 English Language Department