NanoMedicine Molecular Science

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2011-2016)

Greeting Message

  1. Kazuhiko ISHIHARA
  2. Professor / Project Leader
  3. Dept. of Material Engineering / Dept. of Bioengineering
  4. School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

【Purpose of the Research Project】

“Nanomedicine Molecular Science” focuses on molecular reactions in the cells, which constitute the living organism and control its biological activities.

The goal of this project is to develop molecular reaction parameters to quantify and examine such reactions. The studies, therefore, are part of a scientific initiative focusing on cells and have the following main objectives: establishing the theoretical basis of molecular reactions in the cell, and understanding the cellular environment and intracellular chemical reaction mechanisms.

The achievement of these objectives will enhance the understanding of and facilitate multidisciplinary discussion about the system that coordinates molecular reactions in individual cells and living organisms.

【Content of the Research Project】

Theme A01 “Molecular Science in Nanomedicine”:

This initiative aims to examine, establish, and review the principles for measuring parameters describing the intracellular reaction environment.

Theme A02 “Molecular Science for Nanomedicine”:

This initiative aims to directly observe the intracellular reactions and develop and examine the parameters.

Theme A03 “Molecular Science with Nanomedicine”:

This initiative aims to understand pathological conditions by using the parameters describing molecular reactions in the cellular environment and to design molecular structures for nanotherapy.

The emphasis will be on molecular reactions for innovative therapeutic approaches or equipment.

We will undertake sponsored research programs and promote interdisciplinary research to promote the synthesis of knowledge and establish molecular nanomedicine

Furthermore, we will provide technological insights to the knowledge base of molecular science and develop novel research strategies for medical technology and industry.

On the basis of the research findings, we aim to develop approaches for treating the root cause of diseases and equipment using molecules regulating cell cycles and reactions.

Sponsored research projects will include topics related to the origin of cellular functions, which will provide knowledge indispensable for molecular nanomedicine; topics required for establishing molecular nanomedicine; topics that may help integrate the research projects and promote constructive interactions among researchers; and topics that encourage original ideas to solve difficulties in the field.