第 376 回 難 研 セ ミ ナ ー


 日 時 
 場 所 
 演 者 
   Razq Hakem博士
   Dept. Med. Biophysics, University of Toronto, Canada
 演 題 
   To Repair Or To Die: That Is The Question
 要 旨: 
  Defective repair of damaged DNA contributes to the accumulation of genomic instability and increases the risk for cancer. Similarly, compromised cell death facilitates several human pathologies including cancer and immunodeficiency. Using mouse models we have studied diseases associated with specific defects in the DNA repair or apoptosis processes. We have characterized the mechanisms that lead to cancer development in the presence of mutation of tumor suppressors such as BRCA1, Mus81 and P53. We have also characterized the in vivo functions of caspases and have identified a novel role for caspase 8 in maintaining survival and homeostasis.

業績:Human Molecular Genetics. 15: 831-838, 2006, J Exp Med, 202: 727-732, 2005, Science, 304: 1822-1826, 2004, Embo J, 23: 3677-3688, 2004, Genes Dev, 18: 1144-1153, 2004, Embo J, 22: 6137-6147, 2003, Genes Dev, 17: 883-895, 2003
 連 絡 先
   仁科 博史 nishina.dbio@mri.tmd.ac.jp (発生再生生物学分野 内線4659)
   細胞制御学分野(山梨 裕司教授 内線5814)との共催です。



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