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Physiome SiteMaintained by
਍ഀ Laboratory of Biosystem Modeling
਍ഀ School of Biomedical Science
਍ഀ Tokyo Medical and Dental University
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਍ഀ セッション


生体・生理工学シンポジウム (大阪、2004年11月)
਍ഀ  筋のフィジオーム -1分子から筋群をシームレスに-





 内山孝憲(慶大),Uwe Windhorst(Universitat Gottingen)

਍ഀ Abstract  The purpose of this study is to investigate synchronization of motoneurons subjected to recurrent inhibition਍ഀ with an aid of computer simulation. The model of feline medial gastrocnemius muscle and its motoneuron pool, which਍ഀ provided good static and dynamic characteristics, consists three hundred α motoneurons (α-MN), Renshaw cells (RC)਍ഀ and muscle Þbres. Two types of descending command signal, synchronous DCS and asynchronous DCS, were applied਍ഀ to the model with and without recurrent inhibition. The inter-pulse intervals of the DCS distributed uniformly. The਍ഀ cross-correlogams between DCS and α-MN discharges, between discharges of adjacent α-MNs, and between α-MN਍ഀ and RC discharges were calculated. When the asynchronous DCS was applied to the model, the cross-correlogram਍ഀ between adjacent α-MNs did not show any synchronization. The cross-correlogram between α-MN and RC discharges਍ഀ show a strong peak at 1 ms after the RC receives impulse from the α-MN. When the synchronous DCS was applied to਍ഀ the models, the cross-correlogram between adjacent α-MNs had strong peaks at 0 ms. For FF-type MNs, the peak with਍ഀ recurrent inhibition was much higher than that without recurrent inhibition. However peak height of S-type MNs were਍ഀ not as different as those of FF-type MNs. This means that recurrent inhibition enhances synchronization of FF-type਍ഀ MN. This enhancement of synchronization of FF-type MNs might be one of the mechanism underlayig tremor.਍ഀ ਍ഀ

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