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Vol.45, No. 6, December 1996


Review Article
Parasitology and International Health Collaborations: Advantage and Disadvantage

Author, Abstract and Key words are here.
Jpn. J. Parasitol., 45(6), 465-473

Original Article

The Role of an FBS Component in the Trypanocidal Reaction Mediated by Guinea Pig Serum
Noriatu SAEKI, Toshinori KOMATSU, Itsuji SAKAMOTO, Takao FUNATO and Kenji NAKANISHI

Authors, Abstract and Key word are here.
Jpn. J. Parasitol., 45(6), 474-480

Influence of Culture Bed Substratum on Reproduction of Oncomelania quadorasi, the Snail Host of Schistosomiasis in the Philippines
Naoko NIHEI, Yasuhide SAITOH, Hiroshi ITAGAKI, Tamotsu KANAZAWA, Masakazu HARADA and Setsuo SUGURI

Authors, Abstract and Key words are here.
Jpn. J. Parasitol., 45(6), 481-490

Anthelimintic Effect of the Embelia ribes Decoction and Embelin Derivatives on Trichuris muris in Mice
Yoshisuke TSUDA, Noriko SUZUKI, Fumiyuki KIUCHI, Kaoru KONDO and Nobuaki AKAO

Authors, Abstract and Key words are here.
Jpn. J. Parasitol., 45(6), 491-497

Regulation of Schistosome Egg Antigen Induced IL-4 Gene Transcription in Murine Schistosomiasis japonica
Yan-Ping, XUE, Yong-Xie, HU, Xiao-Jun, TIAN and Min-Jun, HUANG

Authors, Abstracts and Key words are here.
Jpn. J. Parasitol., 45(6), 498-504

Bacterial Endocymbionts of Acanthaamoeba sp. Isolated from Cooling Tower Water
Hyun-Hee KONG and Dong-Il Chung

Authors, Abstracts and Key words are here.
Jpn. J. Parasitol., 45(6),505-511

Four Cases of Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia in Shenyang, Northeast China
AN, Chun-Li and Masanobu TANABE

Authors, Abstract and Key words are here.
Jpn. J. Parasitol., 45(6), 512-517

Perforative Peritonitis by the Infection with Young Adult Female of Bolbosoma sp.: A Case Report
Hajime ISHIKURA, Shuji TAKAHASHI, Noriyuki SATO, Shinichiro KON, Yuzaburo OKU, Masao KAMIYA, Hiroshi ISHIKURA, Kinpei YAGI, Hideki ISHII, Hideki YAMAMOTO, Tetsuro KAMURA and Koichi KIKUCHI

Authors, Abstract and Key words are here.
Jpn. J. Parasitol., 45(6) 518-524

Morphology of Crassicauda grampicola from the head of Grampus griseus*
Shigeru KIKUCHI and Masayuki NAKAJIMA

Authors, Abstract and Key words are here.
Jpn. J. Parasitol., 45(6), 525-532

A Seroepidemiological Survey for Malaria at a Community of China-Myammar Boder Area in Yunnan Province, China*
Satoru KAWAI, Seiji WAKI, Masashi ONO, Li-gang CHE, Lin-hua TANG, Shigeyuki KANO and Mamoru SUZUKI

Authors, Abstract and Key words are here.
Jpn. J. Parasitol., 45(6), 533-542

Infection of Larval Trematodes in Freshwater Snails Semisulcospira from Nabari River System in Nara and Mie Prefectures. II. Distribution of Larval Trematodes in S. libertina within the Water System and Parasitic Ecology*
Yuko MAKITA, Misako URABE and Makoto NAGOSHI

Authors, Abstract and Key words are here.
Jpn. J. Parasitol., 45(6), 543-551

Research Note

Intracellular Existance: A Prerequisite for Long Term Preservation of Toxoplasma gondii Tachyzoite
Kiseko KAMEI and Toshiro SHIBUYA

Authors and key words are here.
Jpn. J. Parasitol., 45(6), 552-556

Proceedings of the Regional Meetings of the Japanese Society of Parasitology (No. 2) 
[Western Branch] [Southern Branch]
*Text in Japanses with English abstract.   Text in Japanese.