Correspondece: Isamu SAWADA
Nara City, Nara 630, Japan.

Masashi HARADA
Laboratory of Experimental Animals, Osaka City University Medical School, Osaka 545, Japan

Liang-Kong LIN
Laboratory of Wildlife Ecology, Department of Biology, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC

Two new and four known species (includihg one unidentified species) of the genus Vampirolepis were obtained through the examination of 28 specimens of bats belonging to eight species of eight genera (including two unidentified species) collected at four regnions of Taiwan during the period from March to October. 1995. The following cestodes are recovered : Vampiroleis kentingensis sp. nov., V coelopis sp. nov., V. urawaensis Sawada, 1989. V. hipposideri Prudhoe et Manger, 1969. V. taiwanensis Sawada, 1984 and V. sp.