Bug of the Month

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TsuTsugamusi Disease (Scrub Typhus)

Tsutsugamusi disease, caused by Rickettsia tsutsugamusi, is an acute exanthematous reckettsial disease charcterized by a primary skin lesion consisting of a punched-out ulcer covered by eschar(117K) at the site of the attachment of the vector mite(117K).

This disease occures throughout most of Japan, south Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Queensland and so on.

                                                 from Clinical Parasitology 9th ed. P598

This silde shows some adult worms of Leptotrombidium akamushi.

Parasite of the Previous Months Collections
  1. October 1996
  2. May 1996
  3. April 1996
  4. March 1996
  5. February 1996
  6. January 1996
  7. December 1995
  8. November 1995
  9. October 1995
  10. September 1995
  11. August 1995