Parasite of May


A 46-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital because of swelling of her left breast. A x-ray examination revealed that 2 x 2 cm nodule was noticed in subcutaneous tissue. Breast cancer was suspected and the resection was performed. When her breast skin was cut open, a white string like parasite ran out.

This is an entire body that taken from the patient. Neither head or mouth was observed. We calls this parasite as plerocercoid of Spirometra erinaceieuropaei (Rudolphi, 1819) Mueller, 1937. Surface ultrastracture in developmental stages of this parasite is here in Jpn J Parasitology 45(2) 1996. Spirometra erinaceieuropaei is a parasite of dogs and cats. Human become infected with the larval stage (plerocercoid) of this parasite.

Humans acquire sparganosis in a variety of ways. They may ingest Cyclops in drinking water taken directly from a lake or other body of fresh water. The second mode of infection is through eating infected raw snake or frog.
from "Ova and Parasites: Medical Parasitology for Laboratory Technologist" 257 pp. by R. S. Desowitz
Histopathologically, plerocercoid is surrounded numerous eosinophils, plasma cells and connective tissue.

When the section stains with Kossa's silver nitrate, calcareous corpuscles are evident.

Parasite of the Previous Months Collections
  1. August 1995
  2. September 1995
  3. October 1995
  4. November 1995
  5. December 1995
  6. January 1996
  7. February 1996
  8. March 1996
  9. April 1996