Name of Division: Psychiatry and Behavioral Science



Professor Toru Nishikawa
Associate Professor Nobutaka Motohashi
  Akeo Kurimaji, Kuniaki Tanaka, Yasukazu Kuroda, Kazunari Oshima, Atsushi Kashiwa, Hiroshi Aragaki, Takashi Takeuchi



   Undergraduate Course

 Seminar-styled classes by visiting and practicing at the cooperating hospitals.

Graduate Course

 Approaching to the neuropsychiatric diseases from the views of biology, psychology, ethics and social aspects. General medical trainings at some physical departments for six months in the 1st training year.


Research Subjects

   ・Neurochemical Studies

 A)Molecular Genetic Studies Molecular cloning and characterization of the novel genes which are involved in the cause and pathogenesis of psychiatric diseases using the animal models of psychomimetic drugs. Analysis of those genes using human samples.

 B)Pharmacobiochemical Studies Analysis of molecular mechanisms of metabolism and functions of endogenous D-serine Development of novel pharmacotherapy for psychiatric disorders targeted at brain D-serine signalling

・Neurophysiological Studies

 A)Biological marker studies of schizophrenia using the eye-mark recorder.

 B)Receptor Studies using PET.

 C)Sleep Studies using the original polyosomnography.

 D)3-dimentional MRI studies 3)Psychopathological Studies    

・Diagnostic Radiology

  MR imaging of head and neck lesions, digestive organ
  CT imaging of pathologic and nornal condition of the abdomen



Original Papers

  1. Tsuchida H, Yamamoto N, Kajii Y, Umino A and Nishikawa T. Cloning of a D-serine-regulated transcript dsr-1 from the rat cerebral cortex. Biochem Biophysiol Res Com. 2000; 273: 723-728.

  2. Toda S, Kajii Y, Sato M, and Nishikawa T. Reciprocal expression of infant- and adult-preferring transcripts of CDCrel-1 septin gene in the rat neocortex. Biochem Biophysiol Res Com. 2000; 273: 723-726.

  3. Shirayama Y, Mitsushio H, Takahashi K and Nishikawa T. Differential effects of haloperidol on phencyclidine-induced reduction in substance P contents in rat brain regions. Synapse. 2000; 35: 292-299.

  4. Adachi N, Matsuura M, Okubo Y, Oana Y, Takei N, Kato M, Hara T, Onuma T. Predictive variables of interictal psychosis in epilepsy. Neurology. 2000; 55: 1310-1314.

  5. Hara K, Terasaki O, Okubo Y. Dipole estimation of alpha EEG during alcohol ingestion in males genotypes for ALDH2. Life Sciences. 2000; 67:1163-1173.

  6. Matsuura M, Adachi N, Oana Y, Okubo Y, Hara T, Onuma T. Proposal for a new five-axis classification scheme for psychoses of epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior. 2000; 1:343-352.

  7. Okubo Y, Suhara T, Suzuki K, Kobayashi K, Inoue O, Terasaki O, Someya Y, Sassa T, Sudo Y, Matsushima E, Iyo M, Tateno Y, Toru M. Serotonin 5-HT2 receptors in schizophrenic patients studied by positron emission tomography. Life Sciences. 2000; 66: 2455-2464.

  8. Someya Y, Obata T, Suhara T, Ota Y, Ikehira H, Tanada S, Hirakawa K, Okubo Y, Sasaki Y. Seizure frequency and bilateral temporal abnormalities: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of temporal lobe epilepsy. Seizure. 2000; 9:274-279.

  9. Ohta K, Matsushima E, Matsuura M, Toru M, Kojima T. Amantadine-induced multiple spike waves on an electroencephalogram of a schizophrenic patient. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry. 2000; 1: 59-64.

 10. Liu X, Uchiyama M, Kim K, Shibui K, Kudo Y, Okawa M, Doi Y, Minowa M, Ogihara R. Sleep loss and daytime sleepiness in the general adult population of Japan: the national epidemiological survey. Psychiatry Research. 2000; 93: 1-11.

 11. Ebisawa T, Uchiyama M, Kajimura N, Kamei Y, Shibui K, Kim K. Kudo Y, Iwase T, Sugishita M, Jodoi T, Ikeda M, Ozeki Y, Watanabe T, Sekimoto K, Katoh M, Yamada N, Toyoshima R, Okawa M, Takahashi K, Yamauchi T. Genetic polymorphisms of human melatonin 1b receptor gene in circadian rhythm sleep disorders and controls. Neurosci. Lett. 2000; 280: 29-32.

 12. Liu X, Uchiyama M, Shibui K, Kim K, Kudo Y, Tagaya H, Suzuki H, Okawa M. Diurnal preference, sleep habits, circadian sleep propensity and melatonin rhythm in healthy human subjects. Neurosci Lett. 2000; 280: 199-202.

 13. Uchiyama M, Okawa M, Shibui K, Liu X, Hayakawa T, Kamei Y, Takahashi K. Poor compensatory function for sleep loss as a pathogenic factor in patients with delayed sleep phase syndrome. Sleep. 2000; 23: 553-558.

 14. Hayakawa T, Uchiyama M, Enomoto T, Nakajima K, Kim K, Shibui K, Kudo Y, Ozaki S, Nakajima T, Suzuki H, Urata J, Okawa M. Effects of small dose of brotizolam on P300. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2000; 54: 319-320.

 15. Kamei Y, Hayakawa T, Urata J, Uchiyama M, Shibui K, Kim K, Kudo Y, Okawa M. Melatonin treatment for circadian rhythm sleep disorders. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2000; 54: 381-382.

 16. Uchiyama M, Okawa M, Shibui K, Kim K, Tagaya H, Kudo Y, Kamei Y, Hayakawa T, Urata J, Takahashi K. Altered phase relation between sleep timing and core body temperature rhythm in delayed sleep phase syndrome and non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome in humans. Neurosci Lett. 2000; 294: 101-104.

 17. Shibui K, Uchiyama M, Okawa M, Kudo Y, Kim K, Liu X, Kamei Y, Hayakawa T, Akamatsu T, Ohta K, Ishibashi K. Diurnal fluctuation of sleep propensity and hormonal secretion across the menstrual cycle. Biol Psychiatry. 2000; 48: 1062-68

 18. Liu X, Sun Z, Uchiyama M, Shibui K, Kim K, Okawa M. Prevalence and correlates of sleep problems in Chinese schoolchildren. Sleep. 2000; 23:1053-1066.

 19. Kurumaji A, Nomoto H, Yoshikawa T, Okubo Y, and Toru M. An association study berween two missense variations of the benzodiazepine receptor (peripheral) gene and schizophrenia in a Japanese sample. J Neural Transm, 2000; 107: 491-500.

 20. Toyota T, Watanabe A, Shibuya H, Nannkai M, Hattori E, Yamada K, Kurumaji A. Karkera JD, Detera-Waldleigh SD and Yoshikawa T. Association study on the DUSP6 gene, an affective disorder candidate gene on 12q23, performed by using fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based melting curve analysis on the LightCycler. Molecular Psychiatry, 2000; 5: 489-494.

 21. Kurumaji A, Aihara O, Yamada S, Toru M. Increased DOI-induced head shakings in adult rats neonatally treated with MK-801. Developmental Brain Research, 2000; 124: 125-127.



  1. Kajii Y, Toda S, Umino A and Nishikawa T. A molecular approach to identify essential factors for establishment of psychostimulant-induced behavioral sensitization. In Contemporary Neuropsychiatry (Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Neuropsychiatry), Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, in press

  2. Kurumaji A, Okubo Y. D1 dopamine receptors, schizophrenia, and antipsychotic medications. Lidow MS eds. Neurotransmitter receptors in actions of antipsychotic medications. CRC Press, 2000; 65-78.

  3. Ohta K, Takashima A, Tohri K, Shiraishi H, Yoshino M, Ohkura T, Atsumi Y. Event-related potentials elicited by visual stimuli. In: Kojima T, Matsushima E, Ando K, editors. Eyes and the mind. Tokyo: Japan Scientific Societies Press, 2000; 141-166.


[Graduate School, School of Medicine]